Sunny Days and Seed Collecting

As I write it seems our string of perfect autumn days is over for a bit – wind and rain!
Things are slightly weird in the house at the moment. We got a call from Jeff’s boss – apparently on his last shift 4 of his patients ended up testing positive for covid19!
Soooo phone calls were made and into isolation he goes… OK – he moved upstairs kinda.
Because he is not symptomatic, he is classed as ‘suspect’ but no test ordered.
The usual 14 day isolation to start.
Seemed a bit illogical to me. Anyhooo – someone put their brains in gear and figured that chucking potentially healthy nurses into iso for two weeks to ‘wait and see’ might have the long term effect of running out of staff. So he was called in for the test.
He didn’t like the test lol
Using the same swab, they do back of throat and up both nostrils. He asked as a professional courtesy that they swab his throat first… bahahaha

Anyway… with luck we will know one way or the other within 24 hours or so.
Apparently you are not contagious until from the 24 hours preceding first symptoms. Jeff has seen no-one but me since last shift and I have been pretty damn careful on any of my very few outings.
Will keep you posted!

Still super excited about my cape gooseberry. Wish the rest would hurry and ripen!

They are an odd taste – hard to describe. Mildly sweet with a sour tang. Thats the best I can do!

The other day we spent in the beautiful sunshine sitting on logs and splitting kindling.
We know how to have a good time!

So… pick the differences in OCD levels between husband and wife…

Support chook has forgotten how to drink out of a container, but happy to catch falling water!! I could set up a drip system somewhere but she’d forget where!
There really is something wrong with this chook but I do like her as she is calm and friendly and a good gardening companion.
We brought her into the yard with us when splitting wood to see if she was ok with the other girls… one fronted up to her… and she rose and fronted up right back… not taking any guff at all…. buuuuut… she is still a pretty weak bird so she fell over and just lay there with her legs in the air looking a bit surprised!!
My heart broke a bit because she tried so hard and I was proud of her efforts… but oh my she looked funny! The other chook was chased off before anything bad could happen apart from the embarrassing roll over. I put her the right side up. 🙂
I found her some slugs and worms and popped her back in the veggie patch!

Couple of meals in that carrot!

Gave up on the portulaca… seems they didn’t all die!

Did some seed collecting – lettuce

Snow peas

Some were even sprouting?? Weird


Basil (smells so good)

Silverbeet (Chard)

Teeny-tiny rocket seeds

The new plantings are popping up already!

The carrots also popped up! I never usually get around to a winter planting.

Surprisingly, a couple of carrots from the old patch went to seed. Thats nice!

Well…. thats the update from Tassie – Since it came to my late attention its Easter this weekend I might scrounge about in the pantry to see if I have the ingredients to make hot cross buns.
Sadly I ate all the chocolate long ago.

Take care

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Sunny Days and Seed Collecting”

  1. cape gooseberries eh? around here they are called ground cherries. Have grown them for years, and a year ago or so, one of the farmers at our weekly market started selling them. Many people were hesitant about them but I sure wasn’t. Unlike tomatoes, which they are in the same general family, mine didn’t like being tied up like tomatoes. They preferred just sprawling on the ground.

    1. Ground Cherries!! Its amazing how ‘English’ varies around the world. But gee they are lovely. I’ve eaten about 5 so far and eagerly waiting for more.
      Interesting they didn’t like being tied up! Maybe I will just remain lazy and leave them to sprawl! I like that idea.

  2. I hope your volunteer peas hanging in there here in South Texas the peas are a Winter Spring crop poor peas just can not take heat. Spread those other little plants out they came up and may require some protection you still have a couple months before the really cold days may arrive. Concerning your better half increase his zinc and vitamins A C and D eat more green stuff.

    1. I’ve just popped some snow peas into the hothouse… they are already popping up – I probably need to cover them before they get eaten! We are def. cold enough to get them to survive for a while (I hope)
      Lettuce doesn’t really count as green stuff does it?? I think I fed most of the chard to the chooks lol!
      I expect your weather is really warming up by now?

  3. oh no..poor Jeff and the swabbing! eck >< my partner works in healthcare as well, and to make sure he gets enough hours every two weeks, they've had him join the emergency intubation team for some extra 12 hr shifts.

    also look at all those seed photos!!!! it's fun to follow your blog and have you all on opposite seasons. i'm actually driving out to the country this afternoon to share (drop them off at the mailbox) some seeds & chocolate with my friend and her family in exchange from some eggs. my shelling peas and sweet peas aren't up yet, but i'm sure they're busy with some of the sunny days we've had this week. got a few tomato starts and mini butternut squash in the house. they're getting their third leaves at the moment.

    1. Its a tough time for health care workers and their families thats for sure!! I hope you both are coping well.

      I do enjoy the seed collecting. Its a very relaxing thing to do… support chook at my feet lol
      Oooo – Having someone drop off seeds and chocolate at my letterbox would be bliss!! Good on you!
      Sounds like your new season is well on its way!

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