
Just a quick one from me…
Jeff found what he thought were Ghost Mushrooms (Omphalotus nidiformis) on one of his walks around the Oldina logging area.
He was keen (as was I) to pop back after dark to see if they were.

Well, after being assured he knew where they where and a subsequent 2km unnecessary walk through the dark and spooky forests, giving up then finding them not far from where we parked the car (insert wifely eyeroll) we were indeed rewarded by – a glow!

How fabulous are they??
It took a few goes to get the camera settings right – I took the ‘real’ camera out along with tripod etc (this was around a two minute exposure!!)

Of course, Australians are going to call them ‘Ghosties’
We have seen plenty of pictures of them – but never in real life!

To the naked eye they don’t glow green, but kind of like a moonlight white! They are so pretty.

They wouldn’t really grab your attention if you weren’t looking for them. And even then… you have to be actually walking along in the dark so your night vision wasn’t wrecked.
It took us a minute of waiting to see if they were really glowing or if our eyes were playing tricks!

They are poisonous, despite looking rather similar to the oyster mushrooms. Apparently wont kill you but will make you pretty crook if you ate them. (Severe cramps and vomiting)
(So best not)
Anyway, I thought they were amazingly beautiful and I wanted to share!

Hope your week has started well!