
A new day in the garden… & a new marble! šŸ™‚

Yesterday was a bit of a run about day – then finished up by photographing my young cousin all dressed up for her school leavers dinner.
She looked gorgeous – but I forgot to ask if I could pop a photo on here, so you’ll just have to imagine the blue sparkly dress for now šŸ™‚

So… today – another stunner of a winters day! Back to my digging.

I progressed to the end of the strip! Then I was all fired up keen to get both ends level. One half will be higher than the other but I have limits on how much dirt I want to shovel out.
Finding concrete put a bit of a go-slow on my plans.

Yay. (not)
Back out with the sledgehammer.

It was probably an old path. Its pretty thick too!
I am not sure how much I will remove – the lower part I have to remove all of it because that section of raised bed has to be dug out lower to get it level as I am not really interested in building a retaining wall.
The section between the two stakes on the left is going to be open as a path so it might not be nec. to remove. Not sure yet. The raised bed on the upper side doesn’t have to be dug as deep to level out so again… I might not have to get that bit out either!

Now that all the matted grass and concrete is up in this section, I should be able to level off the area for this raised bed. Tomorrow. (That is if the weather keeps up with this magnificence!)

I dug up a LOT of ‘stuff’ today. Above is the selection of the more interesting bits. Mostly it was a lot of glass. Still waiting on coinage or jewellry… šŸ˜€

I also dug up a lot of curl grubs! So I put them into what my niece calls ‘the happy chicken bucket’

The chooks got two lots of these grubs today (and a damaged worm)
Should have heard the happy ‘chuck chuff chuff’ noises they made as the gobbled them up!!

As usual the galahs came in for their afternoon snack too.
So I put some seed in their bowl (which someone knocked off and broke the edge off!!!!)(Not sure whether to blame chooks or possums.)

Eventually I had to come in.
Was pretty pleased with dinner tonight.
All home grown veggies, with lamb chops that I got yesterday – swapped for my BBQ Sauce (How fab is that??) along with my home made relish and home made garlic salt.
The lamb chops – from a local farm – were divine!! Lucky us!

Hope you’ve had a great day too!

Worms still munching away.

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Smash.”

  1. I always wonder where all the glass originated from. Were the old tenants very clumsy and always breaking dishes at outdoor dinner parties? Hehe!

    1. Me too!! I know people had their own rubbish sites on their properties, but wow – the volume. Then again – their glass was our plastic I guess!!! (This doesn’t explain the crockery though haha)

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