
What a lovely winters day!!
Even Pip was enjoying rolling about in the sunshine!

Time to get cracking on this slightly ambitious garden idea.
First, removing the rocks, bridge and cement edging.

I quite like the bulked up wall here now haha.

This huge piece of timber along the steps was NOT going to come quietly!
In the end I had to whack it with the sledge hammer.

Jeff helped me get out the cement edging and then assisted with marking out the whole area.

I got slightly further than pictured with the grass removal from the bottom future raised beds area.
Clearly I have a lot of digging to do and a vast amount of leveling.

The sloping angles are not going to be my friend… But hopefully will be worth the effort in the end.
Jeff thinks I am mad for starting this now.
Oh well… keeps me off the streets. 🙂

As usual… dug up a fair bit of ‘archaeology’
I think the marble was the best find. (Still waiting to dig up something significant one day)

Eventually the chill of the late afternoon drove me to finish up.
There were still chooks to feed (and the galahs), had to top up the firewood for the night and sort out dinner. (Not to mention a bit of a sit down and a hot chocolate followed by a blissful shower!)

Hope your day was full of sunshine too!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Digging!”

  1. What a day you two had. It sure is looking great!! You accomplish soooo much. Makes me dizzy just reading about your endeavors. Hope you rest well. Pip looks like he’s enjoying his day too!! Love from Ga

    1. Thanks Linda!! It was fun to get started! I can’t work on it today as I have too much to do to be able to fit in getting all grotty again! Not a bad thing to rest the muscles lol
      You have a lovely day too!!

  2. My husband was tilling our garden and flipped up a Native American arrowhead. That was a cool find. I love finding artifacts and worthless momentos on our farm.

    1. That would have been so exciting!!!! I am so glad others get a bit of a thrill out of finding bits and pieces long buried and forgotten!!

  3. Marking out the new flower bed with stakes and string! Monty Don would be proud ^.^ My partner and I have been watching the Big Dreams/Small Spaces show while it is still available in the US (since you had recommended it), and both of us love Monty Don.

    1. That really made me smile!! So glad you are enjoying Monty Don’s show too!! Those little things (like the string etc) really makes a difference when starting out! We’ve spotted so many great little ideas since we started watching! I’d never heard of Monty Don before – we even started having a look at his series on Italian gardens which is lovely. He seems really kind and encouraging too. Mostly we like seeing what people do – going from having nothing to something amazing!!

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