Checking In

Hi there!

A no photo post! Gasp. Its like being naked!!!
Anyway, we picked up our girls later this afternoon and got them home safe and sound.
Guess what? A rat died in a wall and has started to stink. Timing????
Sometimes the country living really tests my love.

LOTS of incense, and bought a plug-in air freshener and trying to get away with it!

We have Peggy (Pei-Chi), Tiffany (Ling-Ya) and Lisa (Ya Jung) They are all about 14-15 years old.
Their English is limited and I know absolutely no Chinese which is the language they speak on their island.
But we are communicating pretty well so far as I am used to speaking to people when neither of us know the other language so well.

I made up a big pot of bolognaise sauce to have with pasta, but the girls opted out of dinner altogether tonight. I thought that might be a possibility – tired and nervous. Its an easy dish to put aside to eat tomorrow night.
Mind you, they were very happy with a mug of hot chocolate and some choc chip bikkies!

They came downstairs and asked if I would play UNO.
I got my hide tanned haha (meaning I lost a LOT) but I did learn some Chinese words during the whole process.

I won’t be able to show photos of the girls during their stay – part of the rules of having kids stay which is totally fair enough. I’ll think of something creative of course!
Tomorrow we plan on a relaxed start and maybe go to the markets or a beach or both!
Monday they also have a free day with us before their first day at school on Tuesday.

So – I need to get to bed!
Hope everyone is having a splendid weekend

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Checking In”

  1. Sorry to hear about the rat but at least it didn’t happen when they came to check out your home! I had that happen to me once and it was horrible. Nothing seemed to help but time. Eventually it went away. Hopefully the weather is nice enough for you to get out for a beach walk.

    1. Time is about all that helps. Sadly in winter it takes so much longer than in summer. Keeping the fire going. We may be able to mummify it! haha
      We did get to the beach!! Weather reasonable!!

  2. I had a rat die under the house once. My Dad said to put moth balls down there and a fan at the basement entrance blowing towards outside to pull the bad air out from under the house. It really helped. Just not sure how this would work with one dead in the walls.

    1. That sounded like a good idea!!! I wish I could do the same. Sadly with the setup with this old place we can’t even get under the house let alone access to the walls! Keeping the fire hot in the hopes to mummify it haha!!

  3. We have a dead mouse under the bathroom floor. And it’s getting into the 90’s this next week. My husband has crawled under and looked twice but did not find it. I am NOT happy…

    But hey, a rat is worse and you have company, so who am I to complain.

    Best of luck,

    1. Blah – its horrible isn’t it?? Usually in summer its only a brief bit of time. Winter they seem to linger. Incense working overtime!!

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