A Walk Around Dove Lake

Hello! How is everyone?
I hope those of you in close proximity to hurricanes have battened down the hatches and have done everything to keep out of harms way.
Please take care!

Today was continually drizzly and dreadful. I only got half dressed  – still in my pj bottoms which is nice and convenient (and comfortable!)
Mum and Dad caught up with friends and I got to crochet, process photos and enjoy the fire. (Tough life, I know!)

Our day at Cradle was really lovely. There was a fine misty rain most of the day, but not too bad. The clouds hung over the mountain and we were only given small glimpses through the mist.

Its the first time Mum and Dad have done the Dove Lake circuit and even though it wore them out – they really enjoyed it.

I think Cradle is more interesting in the rain and gloom – the colours are fabulous

That yellow!

And red –

Of course the damp weather means all the mosses look amazing!

The trees are all tangled

The pathways around the lake are pretty well done and easy to use. Makes it quite accessible to many ages and abilities!

Some of the pandani are just huge! (Grass trees)

Parents enjoying themselves… still feeling chilled though! I don’t realise how much I have aclimatised to the cooler weather until I am wandering about in a light shirt thinking its rather nice and warm, while they are adding another five layers!!

We would catch little glimpses of the Cradle at times…

Funny going from dark and green forest areas suddenly into the open!

OK… Everyone, look this way… got to take a photo!!
(Dad stuffs sandwich in mouth…)(Daughter tells him off for not paying attention haha)

The bold and clever currawongs! Not a bit shy about coming in to try to steal your lunch!

So much to see on this walk!

I love the Ballroom Forest. Its a really pretty section of the walk.

Hi Jeff!!

Towards the end of the circuit there are a few climbs that really tested my poor parents out! They did an amazing job though. (They are in their 70’s afterall!!)

Finally they started to shed layers rather than add them!

We even got a bit of a rainbow there at the end!

Such a great day out, we enjoyed showing my parents the area, tasty picnic, beautiful drive down and back.
I tell you, we all slept well that night!






Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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