Chooks Thwarted?

Friday! Another week gone and the last full day my parents are here. They had a lovely sunny day and went to visit friends a bit further west and took a gorgeous drive through the Tarkine Forest… something Jeff and I need to do!
One of my ‘gunna’ tasks (you know… all those things you’re gunna do) was to chook-proof the veggie garden.
There is a little gang of them that just march on in, up and over the fallen timber to wreck havoc in there!
They’ve kicked the seaweed out about 4 foot onto the lawn!! (And eaten all the parsley)
Thats pretty industrious!!

I snipped all the wire off the fallen steel dropper that is pinned under the timber and reattached that length of fence to a new dropper, as well as just randomly adding wire up and over wherever I thought the marauders could squeeze their way in!

I had to clear a lot of stuff out, saw bits off, but I think it might work for now. I need to be able to get the potatoes in and really start working on this garden!

My cabbage is looking a bit confetti – like!
I just took the easy way out and sprinkled some snail bait around!
The cabbages are looking pretty good tho! Time for another stir fry!

I also moved one of my rhubarbs. I was going to move both, but because I didn’t know what I was doing, I just did the one and hope I didn’t do the completely wrong thing.

I dug up the smaller one and my goodness!!! What a root system! I am afraid I was a bit brutal.
I also cut it into three bits and planted them in the duck yard garden behind the gate

I filled the holes with my new compost to give them a nice boost… I suppose time will tell (or someone will tell me in the comments that I have muffed it haha)

Still… there is one in the main patch thats a monster… I’d like to move it but perhaps I should google a ‘how to’ first before disturbing it.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Chooks Thwarted?”

  1. Love receiving all of your posts. My weekend could be good or it could be bad. Hurricane Florence is giving a good walloping to the Carolina coast as I write this. She is supposed to come inland in South Carolina and North Carolina. I am in North Carolina and they say my area could receive 4-6 inches of rain but to prepare for 8 or more. The winds will also be pretty hefty, so we are tying down everything that could become a missile and bust out windows. We are prepared to lose power and perhaps a tree or two from the wind and rain. We have a generator, chainsaw, camp stove and lots to eat so we should be fine. It just gets nerve-wracking after dark when you hear crashes and don’t know which tree lost limbs or its life! This is not our first big hurricane though it has been many year since the last one.

    1. Wow Beverly!! You are in for some uncertain times!
      I hope it starts to calm down soon. I will be googling for news! Really hope you don’t get too much more than a good soaking!
      You sound like you have done all you can and luckily (hopefully) on the outskirts of this one!!
      Stay safe!!!

    1. Hi Ramona!! So many gorgeous walks up around Cradle! I really think its so pretty in the rain!
      Hoping over the summer season we will get in plenty of walks!

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