A Bit of Hard Yakka

G’day! Well… I hadn’t finished whinging about how sore I was from yesterdays efforts, when we put in quite the day in the garden today!
Cousin Jeff came over with his two bigger chainsaws and his skills and really helped us make enormous progress!

I did the spray painting – the aim there is to get a reasonable sized log for the fire – moved logs over to Jeff (Husband Jeff) and cleared up, chopped and burned lots of scraps.
Husband Jeff did a massive amount of wood splitting! Clearly he was getting in touch with his Canadian Lumberjack self.

By the end of the day we had unearthed the crushed raised bed

A couple of months back:

Check out the beautiful grain in this timber! Smells really good too!

Poor Gate! Still feel bad for Husband Jeff as he did such a wonderful job of installing it!

Cousin Jeff managed to get a lot further than we expected him to be able to, given the size of the lower part of the trunk. He has done a brilliant job!

Husband Jeff is aiming to split all these huge pieces before I get ‘ideas’ and start using words like ‘Garden Feature’ ‘Planters’ and ‘Rustic Seats’

I spent a lot of the day hand chopping branches and keeping the fire going. We burned a lot more today. Phew – didn’t I smell smokey by the days end!

Pretty proud of Husband Jeff – when he first moved to Australia he was definitely a City Boy

His beautiful smooth nurse hands have been somewhat ruined tho!

A lot of work right there!! (Remains to be seen if the Millars can walk tomorrow!! Haha)

A couple of months ago:

Such a tangled mess! Now at least we are seeing real progress and now that Cousin Jeff has made short work of the bigger pieces, we can make a lot more headway ourselves.

One issue we have to really attend to is the chooks!! The very second I had walked out of the veggie patch, they were right into that uncovered broken bed scratching it up!!
We had to make a new fence to a restricted area for them as its too easy for them to hop over the logs and out… either into my garden or up to the other side of the yard where we risk them getting onto the highway.
And our new girls are USELESS at going where you want them to go. The others follow or herd quite well. These ones are lunatics!

They are not pleased and are doing the Velociraptor thing and checking the boundary for weaknesses.
I did some very very dodgy work

Wings will need clipping and I will fix this travesty tomorrow.
Smarty pants brown chook got straight back into the veggie patch somehow!
I was just driving off to the supermarket and there she was, bold as brass, digging up one of the raised beds!!

I have started also raking up parts of the vegetable patch to pick up as much tree debris as possible before weeding and digging.

I might get a garden this season…

Well… its time for me to trot off (or perhaps hobble) to bed!
Hope everyone has had a wonderful day and has had to lift far less wood than me!



Stocking Up

We had a couple of pressing tasks to work on today (besides all the dishes that had mounted up within 24 hours of my mother leaving! Seriously! How does that happen??)
Anyway, step one was to load up the car and trailer with the very full bins and recycling etc and do a tip run.
I don’t think its been quite three months since we went but extra visitors means a bit more in the rubbish department… especially over winter when there is less coming in from the garden.

Then we went and bought two crates of firewood.
We have gone through so much this season!! We started burning way early this year when summer came to an abrupt stop, and all the miserable rain meant we have been keeping it going during the day more too!

Hopefully that does us for this season… but I am not positive. If we get good days, then we will be outside working and no need for a cosy fire. Just the night fire.
Legs and arms feeling it tonight! Glad its done though. I feel better when I know its there.

New neighbours have acquired a poddy-calf.
He runs over for a scratch from his new best buddy, Jeff. He is a cute little fellow.
Haven’t spoken much to the new neighbours. Just really once a while back when they were about to settle. They are quite elderly (in their 80’s I would assume)
Quite something to take on nearly 2 acres at their time of life.
We do see family over there doing this and that to help out.

Spring flowers are popping up here and there.
Now that we have the pressing tasks of rubbish and firewood sorted I can concentrate on those raspberries and strawberries.
Bit by bit!!


Potato Day

Seems we have one day off and one day on! I bet my parents wished the sea was this tranquil last night! Apparently the trip home was a bit rough!  But they made it alright and I am sure sleeping soundly tonight!

We didn’t rush this morning, but decided on a hike around the bay to start things off.

The beach was beautiful but the hills were a bit of a challenge today!

After lunch we settled on getting the potatoes in and burning off a few more branches.

I dug in some blood and bone and started planting while Jeff finished off the last corner of weeding for me.

Managed to get about 100 in the ground (I cut the bigger ones in half)

We had to sacrifice a corner of the plot, as one of the branches was embedded so far in the ground, even after Jeff dug down that far – that it wouldn’t budge a millimetre!

Figured I would just plant some marigolds in that corner.

So happy to have that job done!!
A couple of the chooks are still getting in somehow… I think they just fly up and over so I suspect some wing clipping will be coming up in the near future!

Compost is steaming!!!

Cos lettuce and snow peas going well. Yet to see any sign of the celery, capsicum or pumpkin.
Still getting a lovely lot of daily eggs!

Time to take my tired little legs off to bed!
Hope your weekend was amazing!

Japan – Autumn Images From Nikko

Its a quiet night here at Norwich House! Pip is snoozing, Jeff has gone to bed and my parents are on the boat heading back to the mainland!
It was a lovely visit! Even the rotten rainy days were relaxing as we enjoyed the fire, the company (and a bit of knitting!)(Not Dad – he played some computer games and enjoyed watching the footy!)
We didn’t do so much today… my parents went for a cuppa with Ruby and had to pack their car (I made this more challenging for them which a bunch of stuff they are taking back over for me!!) Made some more raspberry jam for them, sent them back with 4 dozen eggs and a few other bits and pieces from here!
I hope their trip isn’t too rocky.
The wind and rain has been a bit higher today – and cold!!

So tonight I just chose out a few of the autumn photos from our Japan trip last year (that I am STILL working on) for you to enjoy.

Nikko is especially gorgeous in autumn.

The crowds were fierce, but there were places you could go to get a bit of space and enjoy the colours without the crush.

I really love the Japanese maples… so pretty!

I caught this gorgeous pair of friends doing the typical Japanese thing and dressing up in their kimonos to get photos by the pretty autumn leaves!
It was so cute.

Thats all from me!
Jeff is all fired keen for a walk tomorrow… right now listening to the howling wind and rain, I might have to work on my enthusiasm!!!
Hope all of you in hurricane/tropical storm areas are going ok!! Stay safe!


Chooks Thwarted?

Friday! Another week gone and the last full day my parents are here. They had a lovely sunny day and went to visit friends a bit further west and took a gorgeous drive through the Tarkine Forest… something Jeff and I need to do!
One of my ‘gunna’ tasks (you know… all those things you’re gunna do) was to chook-proof the veggie garden.
There is a little gang of them that just march on in, up and over the fallen timber to wreck havoc in there!
They’ve kicked the seaweed out about 4 foot onto the lawn!! (And eaten all the parsley)
Thats pretty industrious!!

I snipped all the wire off the fallen steel dropper that is pinned under the timber and reattached that length of fence to a new dropper, as well as just randomly adding wire up and over wherever I thought the marauders could squeeze their way in!

I had to clear a lot of stuff out, saw bits off, but I think it might work for now. I need to be able to get the potatoes in and really start working on this garden!

My cabbage is looking a bit confetti – like!
I just took the easy way out and sprinkled some snail bait around!
The cabbages are looking pretty good tho! Time for another stir fry!

I also moved one of my rhubarbs. I was going to move both, but because I didn’t know what I was doing, I just did the one and hope I didn’t do the completely wrong thing.

I dug up the smaller one and my goodness!!! What a root system! I am afraid I was a bit brutal.
I also cut it into three bits and planted them in the duck yard garden behind the gate

I filled the holes with my new compost to give them a nice boost… I suppose time will tell (or someone will tell me in the comments that I have muffed it haha)

Still… there is one in the main patch thats a monster… I’d like to move it but perhaps I should google a ‘how to’ first before disturbing it.
Hope your weekend is wonderful!

A Walk Around Dove Lake

Hello! How is everyone?
I hope those of you in close proximity to hurricanes have battened down the hatches and have done everything to keep out of harms way.
Please take care!

Today was continually drizzly and dreadful. I only got half dressed  – still in my pj bottoms which is nice and convenient (and comfortable!)
Mum and Dad caught up with friends and I got to crochet, process photos and enjoy the fire. (Tough life, I know!)

Our day at Cradle was really lovely. There was a fine misty rain most of the day, but not too bad. The clouds hung over the mountain and we were only given small glimpses through the mist.

Its the first time Mum and Dad have done the Dove Lake circuit and even though it wore them out – they really enjoyed it.

I think Cradle is more interesting in the rain and gloom – the colours are fabulous

That yellow!

And red –

Of course the damp weather means all the mosses look amazing!

The trees are all tangled

The pathways around the lake are pretty well done and easy to use. Makes it quite accessible to many ages and abilities!

Some of the pandani are just huge! (Grass trees)

Parents enjoying themselves… still feeling chilled though! I don’t realise how much I have aclimatised to the cooler weather until I am wandering about in a light shirt thinking its rather nice and warm, while they are adding another five layers!!

We would catch little glimpses of the Cradle at times…

Funny going from dark and green forest areas suddenly into the open!

OK… Everyone, look this way… got to take a photo!!
(Dad stuffs sandwich in mouth…)(Daughter tells him off for not paying attention haha)

The bold and clever currawongs! Not a bit shy about coming in to try to steal your lunch!

So much to see on this walk!

I love the Ballroom Forest. Its a really pretty section of the walk.

Hi Jeff!!

Towards the end of the circuit there are a few climbs that really tested my poor parents out! They did an amazing job though. (They are in their 70’s afterall!!)

Finally they started to shed layers rather than add them!

We even got a bit of a rainbow there at the end!

Such a great day out, we enjoyed showing my parents the area, tasty picnic, beautiful drive down and back.
I tell you, we all slept well that night!







Plenty of rainbows today!
Tassie was doing its typical thing with the on and off rain all day!
Mum and Dad went out visiting, while Jeff and I did some basic domestics – folded and put away clothes. (Am I the only one allergic to this??) Anyway… it was getting silly since I couldn’t find clothing essentials, so I was forced into it.
Also ran about with the vacuum cleaner and other such boring things.
Then I made jam.

My youngest sister, Michelle and her family are involved in Dragon Boat racing and they are having a High Tea fund raiser. Sending these jars over for the scones!

Despite the rain, we decided to get outside and try to continue the raspberry patch. We cut and made up a few more pallets for the wall.

I had to relocate the little plum tree and we had to dig up a lot of canes to get as far as we did.

I’ll relocate the canes into the newly dug row as soon as I can.
I tell you what… that mud today!! Erk.
Sticky sticky sticky!! It was a horror job. The mud just stuck to the shovels and our boots. I think I was walking a couple of inches higher and each foot weighed a few kilos more each!!
The chooks were loving it!! They must have eaten a ton of worms this afternoon!

Thats my boots after ten minutes of being cleaned and scraped.

Snow peas peeking through!

I was working on the Cradle photos then one of our cousins dropped in this evening… so they are still a work in progress!
Hope your day is less muddy!

Still No Post

I have kinda run out of time tonight to get my photos post processed from yesterday. Plus my computer hangs about ‘not responding’ a lot tonight so I am going to gracefully exit stage left instead of having a hissy-fit at it!!

Jeff and I decided that an 8km hike around Anniversary Bay was the best thing to do this afternoon… it was meant to rain but ended up so beautiful!
Mum and Dad sensibly opted out of more hiking!

Yesterdays lunch guest! The currawongs are so bold about getting in and trying to nick your sandwiches!! I love them!

Hope everyone has a lovely day!

Dove Lake

G’day! Just a quick fly-by from me!
Its been a lovely day – long one so I am rather ready to curl up in bed with a book early!
Mum and Dad are the last of our immediate family who hadn’t done the Dove Lake circuit.
Its close to a 6km round trip – bit of ‘up’ towards the latter part of the walk. My parents did a pretty great job although everyone is pretty tired now.
The weather wasn’t too bad – a light drizzle during a lot of the day and clouds mostly covered the mountain – but as you all know it can be a LOT worse!!!
I’ll sort the photos for a proper post tomorrow (probably) as we haven’t got much planned.
Hope everyone’s Monday started splendidly!!

How gorgeous are these trees in the rain?? The yellow is stunning

Sunday Collections

How was your Sunday? Or are you just heading into your Sunday in another part of the world??
We went off to the markets this morning in Penguin. Always a good standby especially if the weather is a bit dodgy.
Jeff and I did a little Christmas shopping (Determined this year not to let the festive season slide by without noticing like the past couple of years haha)
This afternoon Mum and Dad came out into the back paddock with me.
Mum collected a bucket of daffies.

Dad helped me fill and haul three bags of pine cones back up to the house!

We walked down to the little creek just for a sticky-beak as my parents hadn’t been down there before.

I still have my eye on this beauty 🙂

I managed to collect some more eggs! We have so many eggs!! We’ve been selling them on and using lots. I am loving having my supply line back on track! I reckon Mum and Dad will take a few dozen home with them!

I put some of my collected snow pea seeds into the ground. I am using the raised bed where there is a climbing frame for them

Then I moved all those ridiculously heavy sods of grass that I dug out of the raspberry patch for the third and hopefully last time.
Jeff had the idea to put them around the man ferns where the soil and grass is a bit poor

I am sure after a while it will all grow in and look less patchworky.
(if it doesn’t die!!)

The cos lettuce seeds have started making an appearance!
The rocket is really looking good too!

After all that I stocked up on firewood for the back veranda, dropped into the supermarket, made dinner, baked a cake, put on bread to bake and got our gear together as tomorrows plan is a drive up to Cradle!

Ready for bed I reckon!

PS – Thank-you for all Ruby’s well wishes!! When I have a chance I will ring her so I can read out everyones messages from here and facebook! 🙂