Day of Needles

Well, Mum’s week in Tassie flew by pretty quick. She went back yesterday and I am already missing the evenings crochet fun in front of the fire with her! She caught up on the laundry and cooked up more soup and generally made sure I wasn’t overdoing anything!

Glad both Mum and Dad have planned to return later in the year so I can be much more fun! Can’t believe we didn’t even get to the beach!! Travesty!

Today has been a good day! More energy and feeling alive. I saw the doc, who went over everything, took more blood and gave me my first top up of B12 (via injection!)
It’s been a long (almost) 4 weeks!

The new chooks are getting braver bit by bit. They all sleep in the main coop together (mind you they are not roosting yet but all squash into one nesting box! haha) but are still very wary of the old girls!

I checked out my cabbages and am pleased with how they are looking, despite the lack of attention I have given them

The seaweed has kept down most of the weeds and the netting has thwarted the the cabbage moth! The bigger holes I suspect are the work of a few hungry snails, but overall they are pretty good.
Hopefully they will ‘heart up’ well.

And someone needs to tell my passionfruit that its winter.

Its slowly taking over the hothouse and I am tempted to just leave it because I would be thrilled if the whole thing flowered and fruited next season! Passionfruit overload is never a bad thing is it?
Its even wandering outside!

Well… I reckon tomorrow I should be able to finish up my day five Overland photos and finally get the next story shared!
Little by little huh?

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend planned!

Knit & Crochet

So many pluses to having Mum come and stay!! 🙂
Apart from the fact she is making me sit still and not dash about like a mad thing, its lovely sitting in the sun or by the fire chatting and attending to the knitting or crochet projects I am doing.
Mum has been sewing up my gloves and tucking in tails on my berets

I even got to start teaching her how to make the berets!

I’ll be able to drop off the set of Cozy Cuffs that are completed to the local tourist shop that requested them before I left on the Overland.
I will have to get to and make a number more so I have some in reserve if they want more. It is colder now so perhaps more likely people will buy them more often!

I also got a lovely surprise in the mail –  a box with some books and magazines from my Favourite Uncle!! 🙂  How great is that? One of the magazines has some interesting hiking articles that I am keen to get into and one of the books is a beautiful old collectable Enid Blyton! (Which Mum  took up to bed to have a read and revisit her childhood!)
Lucky me!

Hope your day was great too!

Cheers from the lazy one in Tasmania! 😀

Another Sunny Day

I am continuing my mode of being supremely boring – well, to be honest sitting in the sun with my cat on my lap is kinda nice, but as far as blog-worthy moments, the day probably fell a bit short!

Mum got out there – more laundry!!! I can’t believe how far behind that I had gotten! She’s fabulous!
She also picked what tomatoes that were left and about ready. A couple of days ripening and we will cook them up and freeze ready for some winter dishes.

I think I had a much better day today 🙂
We even slipped down to the supermarket (whoo hoo- big afternoon out!)
I have been knitting Cozy Cuffs as the local info centre requested another 6 pairs. I am about one glove short and Mum has done a beautiful job of stitching them up for me! Will try to remember to get a snap tomorrow.

I am nearly done post processing Day Five’s Hike so I will be able to regale you with those tales soon!
Hope everybody’s Monday started brilliantly!


I think these are the last two butternut pumpkins out of the garden!

Mum’s Day

Hello and Happy Mothers Day to all the Mum’s out there!
I was lucky enough this year to have my Mum with me!!
She did put her foot down about me gallivanting about today though, as I was quite tired after a trip up to Fiona’s yesterday! 🙂

We breakfasted in the sunshine, as Tasmania’s weather on the North West is showing off at the moment! Gorgeous!
I collected a few seeds so I could put something new on my facebook gardening page which has also been sorely neglected in recent weeks.

I love the runner bean seeds

I found some basil seeds too… I will have to get into that hothouse as I bet there are some in there too! Can’t have too many basil seeds!

Too tiny and fiddly to get all the basil seeds out, so I am sure most of them will just sit as is in a bag ready for next season!

Mum went down and caught up with Ruby and Margie this afternoon which was lovely for her.
I saw Ruby the day Mum arrived and she is like “Come here and sit right here and let me tell you off!!” Haha – I am sure she thinks my dangerous habit of hiking is fully responsible for my current predicament!

Hope everyone has had a really lovely weekend!


Pip loving being out in the sunshine as well!


Special Visitor

No photo’s tonight, I really haven’t done a thing.
Our visitors, Ashley and Josh left yesterday afternoon. We really enjoyed their company and I think they enjoyed a few nights in a house with home cooked meals (and a cosy fire!)

Today my Mum arrived!
She clearly paid a lot of notice to my protestations that I was perfectly OK. (ok I didn’t try to sell the perfect bit)
I wasn’t sick enough for her to dash across the Bass Strait to look after me.

Ahhh, mothers.
A chance to come over and look after her little girl – isn’t that gorgeous?
Its lovely to see her, and I am sure it will be a relaxing week – the weather isn’t supposed to be good at all, but we have plenty of firewood and food, so we can catch up in comfort and maybe do some more knitting/crocheting and what-not.

Well… thats me – pampering for a week! 😀


Day Four – Overland

Well hello!
I have had these photos kinda ready for a couple of days… now getting to an actual story!
We woke up on day four to weather that was chilly but promising (ie it wasn’t raining sideways)

I love the massive veranda at Pelion!

Its the usual chaotic scramble in the morning, starting from about 6am when people start stirring, making the brisk walk up to the loo’s, organising breakfast, packing up sleeping gear then bravely pulling on cold wet boots and socks!

There is always time for a few snaps before we sling the packs on and get back onto the track though!
We had to make a point of Fiona’s T-shirt.
A local singer, Claire Anne Taylor made the trip with us!! She is a lovely young woman with a beautiful voice and talent. I have been lucky enough to meet her and hear her sing on a few occasions!
(One of her songs here if anyone is interested!)

A last look at Mt Oakleigh and we were loaded up and on our way.

Of course its good manners to say hi to the locals who were still out and about

We started by walking through bushland that was draped in green. It’s so fresh and beautiful.

What was really fabulous was breaking out into the open and finally seeing proper blue skies!!


Water was everywhere – no great surprise, but streams, creeks, rivulets, and just puddles and running waterways all over the place!

The paths were varied – new boardwalk, old boardwalk, natural paths lined with tree roots or boggy swamps!

Often, paths were little waterfalls too!

Not far up the track, we ducked off to the side to check out the river and waterfall… what a difference from when I was here a year ago!

Looking back 13 months:

It was fabulous standing there watching the water roar on by!

Back on with the packs and forward!

Sometimes it was a balancing act – pretty easy to be looking at the pretty scenery and fall off the path into the mud!

Fallen logs offer a great spot to rest and take the weight of the pack for five minutes!

Always something to look at… whether it was the unusually coloured trees, beautiful mosses, various fungi… it was an ongoing feast for the eyes.

And just as our eyes became permanently stained green, we broke out into a totally different landscape.
And snow!

Between two mountains – we had been hoping to climb Ossa, but the weather had rolled in and so we decided to give up that idea.

I think Kim and Brod were doing a Gandalf Thing with the stick/staff

Always great to make new friends while you are in the wilderness!

So we made our way down the snowy, icy boardwalks towards our next hut

Ok, yes and stop for a quick selfie 🙂

I can’t help taking continual delight in the colours and textures of the trees and rocks

We knew we were close to the hut, but we found a suitable rock with an awesome view and ate our lunch

Cheese (Swiss cheese no less) and relish wraps – nectar of gods!! 🙂 Everything tastes twice as good when eaten outdoors after hiking!

We had met up a few times with people along the way today!
Angela, Paul and Martin caught us up again while we were lounging on our rock eating!

And not long after, we arrived at Kia Ora Hut

Kia Ora was a small compact hut. Squashy indoor eating area – but people were good at moving on when done and sharing.
A number of people opted to camp this night, although food and packs get stored in the cloakroom area of the hut so to lessen the risk of possums tearing into your pack and nicking your food!
Some people (Kim and Brod) chose tent platforms with the best views!

Each hut has a helipad, which is usually fairly close to the toilets. The clear area around the helipads usually had some excellent views

Just past the hut was a river – very enjoyable to lean on the bridge for a while.

Eventually night falls and its time to hop into the sleeping bags and get some rest

Dreaming of green forests and looking forward to the next days adventure!

Trundling Along

How is everyone’s week?
We have a really lovely couple staying a few days – Ashley and Josh, who Fiona and I met on our Overland hike.
They are from the USA and travelling for an extended time in Australia. So glad they had a few extra days to make it to the Northwest to check out our area before heading back to the mainland.

The sun was out – we enjoyed some time down at Fossil Bluff (found some nice agate!) then went for a bit of a walk over to Anniversary Bay – slowly for me but happy to get out in the fresh air!

We were talking about the Australian animals and the one thing they (especially Josh) was keen to see but so far failed to, was a platypus.
Its not a common animal to see, so not surprised they hadn’t managed to spot one in their travels.
The time and tide was right, so before going home I suggested we slip down to the local river and try our luck
Seriously less than 5 minutes down the river track and there it was!

I got bonus host points today!
We had a lovely 20 minutes watching him/her surface and dive right in front of us!

On the health front… another blood test today and a new lot of antibiotics.
Not feeling too bad today – I might attribute that to more of the sunshine than the drugs 🙂

Hope everyone else is doing great and thanks so much for all the lovely well-wishes. I really appreciate them and will get in to answer messages soon!

An Exercise in Patience/Patients


How was everyone’s weekend? Good I hope!
Well… it was a big night out Friday for the Millar’s.
In fact – I didn’t even come home! Party Animal!

Sitting at home, watching the tail end of a movie when the phone rings. Its the doctor I finally got into seeing. He is looking at my blood tests (this is like at around 8pm) and deciding I need to trot off to the emergency department.
My calcium levels were pretty low – I learned this is not just a shrugging matter and drinking more milk as a number of years ago this happened to me after my thyroidectomy.

Not that anyone at emergency was too worried about potential heart issues as we sat there for a couple of hours before being called through (Behind the sprained ankles and sore fingers!!)
On the upside, I got another beret crocheted.

I’d already had one blood test that day of course, but they put a cannula in and took more blood…
Aaaand we waited.
I think it was closer to 1am when they agreed that the calcium was not great, so they were going to top me up intravenously, keep me for the night, do ecg’s more tests and top up again if necessary.
Jeff send home. I get to spend the night not sleeping and being stabbed a lot by nurses!! (Note to self… next time wear trackkie pants.)(Trying to ‘sleep’ in jeans is blah.)

Three bags of calcium, and a few more blood tests later, I was allowed to escape early Saturday afternoon. Giddy because I was sleep deprived!
At least at home MY nurse isn’t silly enough to wake me up!
Nah – really they all did a great job and were very kind and gentle (as they can be with sharp things)

Today I have been feeling better than I have for the past couple of weeks, although a bit tired tonight, so maybe I am now finally on the mend?
Have to go back into see a doc early in the week to check my bloods again (ow… should see my bruises! Luckily I am not squeamish about needles)
So… maybe I can return to more gardening hiking stories soon!!!

Lets hope everybody elses weekends were a little less hospital-orientated and you had a great one!


Saw the Doc…

Still being very slow in all aspects of life right now!
After failing to get a doctors appointment in 4 different clinics today, Jeff took me to the walk in clinic not far away where I was able to see a doctor. I just thought I had been crook long enough. (I really didn’t want to wait until next week sometime!)
Mostly he confirmed what my personal nurse had told me, but will have some bloods done anyway… and must drink more (Hydrolites) (No surprises there)
It’s hard slowing up so much! Brain doesn’t slow, so it worries about the things I am NOT doing… which is annoying! I’d like to laze about and be pathetic in peace. 🙂

Just a couple of photos from Day 4… It was lovely watching the sun set over the rushing river!
Hope your week is going fabulously!


Continuing Day Three

Just continuing our day three stroll through the wilderness on the way to Pelion Hut.
So much flowing water and fungi to admire everywhere!

Everything was so lush & green!

Pandani! (Giant grass trees)

The little creeks and streams were just bursting this trip! Very different from last time.

I really love running water – was so easy just to linger at the edge or over creeks and just watch it rushing by!

It wasn’t long before the path and the waterways merged, providing interesting obstacles to our hike!

Step one…

I kept sending Fiona first. I wanted to a) get photos and b) make sure my camera survived! haha

Not far down the track and we were hopping through more streams

I am really not sure what ballet movement this was, but…

We just found everything so pretty!

Eventually we stopped for lunch… we just found a non-soggy part of the path and fished out our wraps to eat and also munch on some trail mix etc.
Some people like to get out their cooking gear and make a real lunch. I am way too lazy for that! I like eating on the go!

Nice timing again as we broke back out into the open areas and some sunshine!

Nice to enjoy some views!

Back through the green draped bush then we finally reached the Forth River – which really had completely overflowed and taken over quite a bit of land

For a moment I really couldn’t see the boardwalk! No avoiding this puddle!

Totally cleaned all the mud off anyway

We loved it – again, like little kids splashing through water!

Another fallen tree – we had to do a small detour for this one.

There was a last stretch up a ‘hill’ before winding our way down into Pelion Hut – a welcome sight as we were ready to get the wet boots off and get settled in for the night

The views of Mt Oakleigh from the veranda are lovely.
It was a most enjoyable night… fellow hikers, Angela, Martin and Paul invited us to ‘Apple Pie Night’ where they shared a pretty amazing dessert with us!! What a treat! I am quite determined to work out how to make something similar in my dehydrator for the next hike!
As usual, we were all fed, changed and tucked up in bed by about 7pm!

About where I am heading now (although to a slightly more comfortable bed!!)