Day Three – Part One

Hi there. Things are looking up. I have had toast AND chocolate today – even did some random weeding in the garden until I got a bit tired out 🙂
Back inside to resume resting pose.
Day Three on the Overland Track is a long one. Nearly 17km through fairly varied terrain. I remember this as being a really tough day last time – possibly because Jeff struggled that day as well.
This time around it was a lot easier.

The snow had been washed off most of the pathways, although the pathways themselves could be challenging to walk over.
The rain kept up as an on and off thing all day.
Everyone who was planning on leaving Windemere Hut to get to Pelion Hut today was in a bit of a rush to pack up and get out there. No-one fancied arriving in the dark!

I liked it when we came out into the open areas to see where we were heading

Sometimes the sun came out properly! Bliss!

Circled above is Mt Oakleigh. Pelion Hut, where we were headed that day is on the other side!! Seems a long way off!

Not daunted!! Fiona was thrilled to finally have some views on the Overland to check out! We thought for the first two days the only things we would see was stuff underfoot!

I don’t think they have updated the snow pole markers in a while…

I must say, I am glad we didn’t do this stretch the day before. In the snow and blizzards it would have been a nightmare. We met some people at Pelion that did it and they ended up having a second day at Pelion to rest as they had an extremely tough go of it.

Hopping over puddles… until you can’t!

Soggy tracks were the norm.

Just before the rain started up again we reached the shelter of the tangled bush areas again

The snow lingered in some areas, and we continued the slog through plenty of mud!

I was starting to regret not bringing my macro lens. There is only so much you can do with a wide angle!! However, with all the beautiful fungi up there at the moment, if I had brought all my lenses I possibly still would have been up there photographing!

The track threw up one or two little obstacles along the way besides the mud puddles. (A lot easier to duck under if you don’t have a pack!)

And again… once you had enough of the gloom, you’d break back out into the open once more!

Can you see the track?

We passed so many creeks and streams… everything busting at the seams due to all the water!

We even got a rainbow that day!

We moved into a different kind of forest… I adore the bark in the rain, coming up bright orange and yellow!

I’ll finish off this days photos in the next post. Can’t have too much of a good thing right?
Hope you are having a good week!
(Eeep… I just realised it was MAY already!!)