Continuing Day Three

Just continuing our day three stroll through the wilderness on the way to Pelion Hut.
So much flowing water and fungi to admire everywhere!

Everything was so lush & green!

Pandani! (Giant grass trees)

The little creeks and streams were just bursting this trip! Very different from last time.

I really love running water – was so easy just to linger at the edge or over creeks and just watch it rushing by!

It wasn’t long before the path and the waterways merged, providing interesting obstacles to our hike!

Step one…

I kept sending Fiona first. I wanted to a) get photos and b) make sure my camera survived! haha

Not far down the track and we were hopping through more streams

I am really not sure what ballet movement this was, but…

We just found everything so pretty!

Eventually we stopped for lunch… we just found a non-soggy part of the path and fished out our wraps to eat and also munch on some trail mix etc.
Some people like to get out their cooking gear and make a real lunch. I am way too lazy for that! I like eating on the go!

Nice timing again as we broke back out into the open areas and some sunshine!

Nice to enjoy some views!

Back through the green draped bush then we finally reached the Forth River – which really had completely overflowed and taken over quite a bit of land

For a moment I really couldn’t see the boardwalk! No avoiding this puddle!

Totally cleaned all the mud off anyway

We loved it – again, like little kids splashing through water!

Another fallen tree – we had to do a small detour for this one.

There was a last stretch up a ‘hill’ before winding our way down into Pelion Hut – a welcome sight as we were ready to get the wet boots off and get settled in for the night

The views of Mt Oakleigh from the veranda are lovely.
It was a most enjoyable night… fellow hikers, Angela, Martin and Paul invited us to ‘Apple Pie Night’ where they shared a pretty amazing dessert with us!! What a treat! I am quite determined to work out how to make something similar in my dehydrator for the next hike!
As usual, we were all fed, changed and tucked up in bed by about 7pm!

About where I am heading now (although to a slightly more comfortable bed!!)

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

7 thoughts on “Continuing Day Three”

    1. No chance of the boots drying out. Just hiked in wet ones! They warmed up pretty quick but it was hard to put them on in the morning! ๐Ÿ˜€

  1. Wonderful pictures Lisa. So nice to see Fiona posing in some of the shots. Just so much water!
    Hope you are feeling better today.

    1. Thanks Hazel.
      The apple pie was… well… the inside part of the pie that was a dehydrated meal, rehydrated and heated through (apple, raisins syrupy filling) then a sugary biscuit was crumbled on top to make the ‘crust’ It was so gooooood!

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