Winning and Grinning

Well!! Quite the day out today!
Ruby and Margies church had a Garden Tea fundraiser today.
So Megumi and I went along to enjoy and support the cause.
Guess who didn’t take her camera??? haha How weird is that?

Anyway, the home with the gorgeous garden is opposite the church.
It was set up with tea tables, a wonderful eclectic collection of tea cups, a stall where you could buy plants, a stall where you could buy some ‘stuff’ (bricabrac) a place where you could get raffle tickets, a chocolate wheel and an organised treasure hunt.
They also had a group of ladies singing for entertainment!

We enjoyed our cuppas and plate of sandwiches and sweets – and decided to join in the treasure hunt.
Megumi and I teamed up – there were 13 clues/riddles and you had to work out each one and find it in the garden. When you found it – it would have a letter on it.
Once you found all the letters, you had to unscramble the final words to get the solution!!
It was a marvellous way of going through the garden very thoroughly! We must have done about 20 laps!!
The clues were too difficult to translate properly for Megumi, but she was great at spotting random letters, then I fit the object to the clue instead of the other way around. I was able to explain some of them to her as we went along, but all in all it was good teamwork because we finished first!!
Only two others completed it correctly. (The answer was REDBACK SPIDER)
However – the prizes were then determined by a draw. I have a classic history of not winning chance draws, so had to laugh when our paper came out third of three!!
Still, we got a lovely pot and a bottle of wine! And it was all a heap of fun.
We had a go at the chocolate wheel and won no prizes (They had several rounds with the chocolate wheel) Is this an Australian name? Jeff hadn’t heard it called that. Its a spinning wheel with 60 or so numbers on it – they sell all the numbers as tickets and once all sold… spin the wheel to see who wins. Prizes often chocolate… hence name.
My Dad was a super expert at this game!! He was ridiculously lucky at getting his number spun up. So much so that people would actually GIVE him their money to buy the tickets for them. He was THAT level of ridiculously lucky! haha

Anyway, we stuck around for the raffle since it was coming up. We had been across the road to the Church Hall to show off our Treasure Hunt Prize to Margie and Shirley who were working so hard in the kitchens, making up plates of food and doing dishes!
We got back and settled in waiting for the draw. I viewed my purchase as simply a donation to a good cause.
So I am just sitting there like an idiot when they are calling out “LISA”
I honestly thought there would have been another Lisa!! Eventually when no other Lisa materialised, I put up my hand and said “I’m Lisa…”
The fellow had to read out my phone number to confirm it was me. hee hee

How great is that?? What a fabulous barrel of ‘stuff’ There was wine and a lovely soy candle melt thingy (plug in and it glows and melts your scented soy wax) – but mostly the things inside were garden related! A new set of hand digging tools, netting, spray bottle, sprinkler heads, plant food, a cute terracotta pot, gloves and a soaker hose. Very excitingly there was a $50 Bunnings Voucher too! (Big garden and hardware shop)
There was also a gardening aide to help someone kneel in the garden – cushioned with handles. Since I am still at an age where I am happy wallowing about on the ground and can get up fairly easily, I’ll take it over to see if Ruby would like it or Margie. If not, I’ll see about giving it back to the church to find it a home where someone can make good use of it!

BUT – the day is not done!
They did one more round of spins for the chocolate wheel. I bought the last two tickets for Megumi and I. I got Megumi to hold them and took out a little Japanese lucky charm that she had given me and theatrically rubbed it over the tickets for luck – we were both chuckling … until the first number up was Megumi’s!!! So funny! I made her go up and choose the prize – which was that gorgeous hanging pot of flowers!

What a lucky day!

Finished up home doing a round of watering and picked a few fruit and veggies – a good amount ended up on the dinner table and really… the corn is gorgeous!
I hope your weekend starts as brilliantly as mine did!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “Winning and Grinning”

  1. Happy to see you had some lovely winnings. Raining here in NC USA today and will be for 4-5 more days I understand. Love that picture of vegetables and your passion fruit. Makes my mouth water for fresh garden food. We are still in winter but there are signs of spring coming soon. I have daffodils, crocuses and camellias in blood and tulips popping through the ground.

    1. Thanks Beverly! You are heading into a lovely time of year with the spring flowers making their move! I am like you at the end of winter… just dying for fresh food! So happy to be practically wallowing in it!! We got a bit of rain today… certainly was mostly gloomy but not too cold so that was a bonus!!

  2. It’s always fun to win stuff! If Ruby or Margie doesn’t want the kneel rest, I’d suggest you use it. It’s never to early to be kind to your body!

    1. Hi Caroline! I was glad that Ruby and Margie happily accepted the kneel rest! I dropped in today to do a quick show and tell of my bucket of prizes! I’ll have to pop by later to set it up and see how it works.
      I do agree – never too early to be kind to your body! Mine is creaking a little tonight after todays gardening efforts!! haha

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