Tip Day!!

I went to get gloves and Jeff had almost half emptied the trailer before I got back! Man on a mission!

My cousin Jeff (want the family breakdown?? He is the step-grandson of my mothers second cousin. lol… I just call everyone ‘cousin’ Much less of a headache) arrived this morning with his part of the barter deal we made.

I mentioned a few posts back how I helped paint his house in exchange for firewood!

Good shock absorbers… that’s all I can say!

And now I have a job to do… however this lot is a bit green so a few weeks with the wind whistling through the pile will do it good!

Right now this pile of wood is getting rained on – a lot!!

Jeff (My Jeff this time.. husband Jeff) got the ball rolling with cleaning up today by burning off all our… well… ‘burnables’

Nurse Jeff…

It was pretty windy, and I was watching him go through matches trying to light the fire in our barrel… then I decided to step in before he had a major tanty with a scoop of coals from the indoor fire

Thinkin’ wife!!

Whoof! She caught fire very nicely


I am a pyromaniac at heart… love fires!

We got the clean up bug and decided to sort out the BBQ area which was in a disgraceful state

I should be properly ashamed

Again – its easy to keep putting ‘things’ in a spot that is not used, and before you know it, its embarrassingly hideous!

I always had something else to do!
I found these (I know -how do you ‘lose’ something this big?) I’ll use them to extend the raspberry patch, as I need to have structure to cover with netting.

Jeff got all my scrappy garden stakes and cut the rotting ends where necessary to a new point and bundled them up for next season.


We decided to go for a tip run. We don’t get garbage collected here, but we get tickets to use the tip free when we pay our rates. We find we need to go once every three or four months. We burn burnables, compost a lot, scraps to the chickens and free recycling of all bottles, glass & plastic. So it does take a little time to fill the two bins.

I love tip day – feel so free of rubbish!!

And check this out!

This makes me happy


I brought together my extensive pot collection! Most of these were left behind by the previous owners and there are a lot more around the property!! They will come in handy when I get onto my upcoming garden ideas!

What shall I grow?

We even moved our bare-breasted goddess (another left behind item) from hiding in the corner of the BBQ area to under the small Acacia Cognata. She looks happy there.

New home for our goddess!

So totally feel like we achieved something today.

Sadly, tomorrow is a market day and the weather is feral. Right now its howling out there with wind and rain. Forecast says the same all day tomorrow.

Looks like I will be finding indoor activities to keep myself amused!

Hope your weekend isn’t as soggy as mine (unless you needed the rain of course!)


Scraps of autumn

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “Tip Day!!”

  1. The weather here in my part of the US is sunny mostly with afternoon thunderstorms then sunny again which is awesome for my small garden. It’s mostly full on summer here, weather is humid and around 89 degrees. Mississippi has oppressive humid hot summers. Everything is growing so fast I am plundering my home/yard to find things to stake my tomato plants with. My plants can’t spread out due to not much space so they must go up! I tore down an old wire gazebo that should work just fine. I may have to replant some of them as they are getting too big for the pots they are in. We started some with seed and some were plant starts so ours are all different sizes right now. Lots of baby tomatoes, baby bells, and other peppers so I’m excited about that. My four year old daughter was so amazed by what her tiny seeds have turned into…and so am I, actually! Love your posts!

    1. Its so lovely reading about what people are up to in their gardens while we head into winter! I think it must be a great way to get kids to eat vegies – grow their own!
      Its always a mad scramble for stakes at some point of the season! In the hothouse I tie the stretchy nylon to the roof struts and wind it around the tomato stems. Its easy to unwind and redo as the plant grows. Good idea with using the wire gazebo!
      We get dry summers. I experienced the humidity in Japan and it was so hard to cope with!!
      Stay cool!! 🙂

  2. As I read this we have rain, a nice gentle rain that should water all the cornfields around here. It could be a burn day for us too as it will keep sparks down, less chance of catching anything on fire.

    Love the goddess! You should give her a name, make her the goddess of ‘something’

    1. I am having a little giggle at you ‘nice gentle rain’ It sounds rather lovely! Compared to here right now where the wind is howling and the rain has been sheeting down all day!! This old house has sprung several leaks!! Eep!!
      Its ok. We have been creative with buckets & towels!! The joys huh? 😀
      That’s a great idea about our goddess… In the spring I rather fancy the idea of moving her to the corn patch and making her “Cornelia-Goddess of Corn” (Too corny??) (Clearly its late and I am probably only amusing myself!)
      Have a lovely day and stay dry!!

        1. Good idea! When she gets her permanent spot I may just do that!!
          Happily so far the wild weather is on pause! Eerily quiet!

  3. I love the Goddess too, and agree with Linda that you should name her! I want to get something for the corner of our deck for the grape holly to fling itself over. So far we have just the “bee watering hole”, which is good and well but not very interesting by itself.

    Please, what is a “major tanty”? That’s a new one on me!

    Just noticed that tour Jeff is a head shaver like my Derek. The similarities abound!

    1. I like the idea of having quirky things lurking in the garden for plants to grow on, over or around. Makes it all that bit more interesting!
      lol – Tanty = Tantrum. Australians have a tendency to shorten all their words. 🙂

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