The Last Two Days

My fourth day on the track – after my terrible nights sleep, it was nice to know there were no crazy inclines awaiting me today.
Lots of people were up and out early as the vast majority were planning on taking the ferry out from Narcissus Hut.
As usual – I was content to go slow while the bulk of the hikers were gone.
Putting on the socks and shoes that morning was unkind. Cold and wet as they had no chance to warm up or even part way dry the afternoon before.

Another great day!
The camera was in my pack until I hit the open plains heading into Narcissus.

It doesn’t take long for the feet to warm up, even if they are wet. Still found lots of new mud puddles to wade in.

My feet (toes) were beginning to send messages to my brain. The sealskin socks that I had been wearing were now wet on the inside so it was like walking in little swimming pools. Plus they were starting to rub the tops of my toes.
I decided to take some time at the hut to change socks.

At the hut there were a heap of people. Its always a bit of a shock to go from solitude to crowds.
I dried my feet and put tape around the rubbed toes and pulled on the dry socks. I knew they wouldn’t be dry for long but was fairly confident that it would help stop the rubbing.
The hike down into Narcissus was 9kms. I planned to immediately take off again and do an extra 5kms to Echo Point to stay my last night.
Here was the ‘issue’
I was going to be walking out a whole day early. Since both Jeff and I don’t have mobile phones…. hmmmm

A lovely lady offered me her phone to call Jeff.
Unfortunately I could only leave a message – which went something like this: “Hello! This is Wife. Because I am so super, I am walking out Thursday, not Friday! See you soon!”
Because of dodgy reception it cut out after that.
Now to cross my fingers he SEE’S the message machine flashing.

It was around midday and I was heading back out. Peace again.

Having done this track with Fiona, I felt by taking 5kms off the total 17.5km around the lake, I was going to be a happier person tomorrow.
Its ‘undulating’
No mountains, but it winds in and out of the forest, up and down.

I like the first bit with the wide open stretch.

Still a totally happy camper πŸ˜€

It wasn’t long before the camera went away again. Its all a bit the same with the mottled light, mud and trees.
It was a tough 5kms! It took about three hours to reach Echo Point Hut!
It was more like an obstacle course than a track.
So many trees were down – clearly the rangers haven’t gotten to this part of the track. In some cases I had to take my pack off to get over or under trees, sometimes it required going a bit bush to get around then find the trail again (which isn’t actually always so straight forward!)
One huge tree obliterated the path and it took me some time to work out which direction to go to pick up the right trail again!
It certainly was an interesting afternoon!

Eventually I made it to the little rustic hut.
It sleeps about 8, with nice little camping spots around and big bins to store your packs and food in because of the night time marauders. (Furry food stealing inhabitants.)

There were only five of us staying in the hut – and a few outside camping.

We all hung out on the pier earlier when the sun was out and a couple of mad hikers jumped in the water!!! Brrrr

A fantastically peaceful spot.

The trees on the shoreline look like they have had rough lives!

The best thing about Echo Point Hut was the little coal burning fire!
Not much coal left in the bin, but we got a bit of a fire going and the cabin was oh so toasty!!

It was the best nights sleep on the whole track!

And guess who was up for sunrise??? Shocking.

I don’t see many of those πŸ˜€

Clearly we were in for another super day!
I didn’t bother with making a cup of tea – just some water and wolfed down a muesli bar, packed my gear back up and trotted off.
Back to tackling the last 12km

While there were still some trees down here and there, not quite as heavy going as the day before

Mostly on my mind was wondering if Jeff got my message or would I be forced to camp at Cynthia Bay for another night?

I walked out at 11.30am! Only three and a half hours, so better than I thought.


No Jeff.


I bought a drink and used the change to call home. No answer.


Left a message, then hung about ringing periodically and chatted to various people coming in on the boat. Some of my original hut-mates were most surprised to see me there ahead of them haha.

Finally at about 3.30pm when I was just getting ready to ring the cousins to investigate, Jeff turns up looking super harassed!!
My first message all he could hear was “I’m super garble garble garble Friday”
Got my other message at about 12pm and panic drove all the way down (3 and a half hours)

Mind you – he was also super impressed that I walked the whole track in five days and it was lovely having big hugs and catching up. We drove into Queenstown to grab something to eat then headed home while we filled in the weeks adventures to each other.
The shower that night was blissful and it was wonderful to sleep on a mattress that didn’t run away on me!
Pip was also a happy puddy cat and I got lots of loves and purrs and schmoozles.
Life is certainly great!

So – feels all a bit surreal now I am back to ‘normal’
Very glad I followed through with my idea. Sometimes its good to step out of your comfort zone just to see what you can do!
Thanks for following along

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “The Last Two Days”

    1. Thanks Teri!! Actually I think I would! I enjoyed the feeling of just doing everything when and where I felt like it – and I enjoy the solitude in the bush.
      In saying that – I am looking forward to another hiking adventure with Jeff though πŸ™‚

  1. Oh my goodness.. you look beautiful in these pictures! You definitely don’t look like you’ve been roughing it for days.

  2. GLORY BE CHILD!! I don’t know how you managed to withstand such a grulling hike. Know Jeff and Pip were glad to have you home. Now REST!!πŸ˜˜πŸ˜—πŸ˜˜ THANK YOU FOR ALL THE BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!

    1. You are making me chuckle!! Glad you enjoyed the journey πŸ™‚ I certainly did! You’ll be pleased to know I’ve had some quieter days and let the legs somewhat recover! xx

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