The Face Track, 2023

We thought it about time to get Jin up into some real hiking country!

So we packed a picnic and set off for Cradle Mt NP

It started off a bit cool… but it was hard to tell what sort of weather we might be in for

It stayed on and off again cloudy for the morning which was rather nice

It got a lot hotter and sunnier as the day went on

We decided to go up to Marion’s Lookout and the follow the Face Track back to Dove Lake (About 13km I think but a lot of ups and downs)(and ups)

I wanted a swim but Jeff and Jin weren’t as keen as I was so we soldiered on!

The look on Jin’s face when I pointed out where we were going (like to the top of that rather large peak in the photo) was priceless. I don’t think he believed me.

As usual, the views just keep getting nicer as we went up

Jin was really enjoying the adventure!

We sat for lunch at the lookout. So spectacular!

Being summer, lots of lovely wildflowers were out on show

Always a stunning view up here

Oh… um Oops… perhaps I should introduce Jin? I have been all over the place lately and can’t remember what I have chatted about recently

Anyway, this lovely young man I have known since the first day of his life! I met him in the hospital on day one!!
When I lived in Japan, I used to ride my bike down to the local Izakaya (pub) for a meal and a drink. His Dad, ‘Master’ owned it and we made friends. At the time it was just him, his wife, Yoshika and their two year old daughter Meiru.
Yoshiko was very pregnant and was due to have their baby, and I was due to leave Japan… Jin was a bit late arriving, but I was lucky enough to still be there when he was born.
I have been friends with this lovely family for a long time, and now of course Jeff has met them many times on our trips.
Its been exciting to have Jin come to stay all grown up!

It was very dry up there – all the usual tarns and little waterways were mostly dried up

We were def. carrying more water with us than usual.

More sweet little flowers

Jeff took the chance to stride out on ahead as he hasn’t had a decent hike in a while

We caught up with him at Kitchen Hut then we all mostly stayed together on the challenging descent.

Looks like they’ve redone the rickety old track along this section!

And while its easier to walk on and still looks amazing here… I think the old track had a little more character!
Progress I suppose! (and it will stop people from straying off the track onto the sensitive plant life like they would trying to navigate the cruddy old track, which is really important!)

My favourite cushion plants

I have no idea what all these flowers are… but they were pretty

Now that we were on the Face Track, we could start to see views of Dove Lake

The track however got a lot more challenging

I do love this section even if it is a bit slow getting from point to point

And sometimes you just have to scooch down on your bottom to safely get down

Harder for me with my shorter legs!

It took a while to get to the rangers hut

Once there, we stopped for a rest and a bite to eat before tackling the last part…

I forgot that we weren’t quite finished with the ‘going up’ parts

On top of the world!

This part always looks a bit scary… its a really really steep area – the chain links are brilliant – makes you feel a lot more secure

Jin did a great job!

(Looking back up)

Nearly there

Sob… realising I have to go back UP AGAIN!

Finally we were on the proper downhill run

Coming back down to Dove Lake we could see the new ‘Viewing Shelter’ that had literally just opened… like about 4 hours previously.

Its massive – can’t say we are fans really. Its a big cavernous space… a bit concrete/bunker like. A little confusing in the layout.

It does incorporate new loo’s and shuttle bus pick up area – sorely needed, but I am not convinced about the whole massive structure plonked in the ‘wilderness’.
It does offer great views and shelter of course.
Did it need to be this big and grandiose?
There isn’t anything really in the structure… some stepped seating and a bit of interpretation (not much) about the area.
I could just be being grouchy about change though.
My feeling is, that this is meant to be a wilderness area – that is what people come to see. Good inclusive pathways that people of any ability can access and decent amenities – so do we need to keep adding this level of structure? Without it people would do what they’ve always done. Dressed for the weather and traversed up to the areas that they can manage.

The media release made me laugh a bit… the building ‘Unveiling Spectacular Views’
Um… yeah. Nah… the views were always there and always spectacular!


Hope you enjoyed our walk!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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