The A-cat-emy Awards…

Hi!! How’s everyone doing?
Last Friday we had a bit of a fire-fail when the old baffle plate finally buckled and dropped off its rails (and smothered my fire)
Of course it does this on a Friday.
Luckily a local heating shop was open Saturday morning.
I popped in to try to get a new baffle plate. There wasn’t one the right size, but I brought home one that was close – in hope.
Sadly, nope.
Even sadder – no fire on Saturday night.
And what a drama that was!! Pip!! You’ve never seen such a performance!
He sat and stared at the flue where his towel should be hanging warming up. (Then looks at me accusingly)
So… because the little toad is mega-spoiled, I go find the hot water bottle, fill it and warm his spot on the couch with his towel.. and put him in it.
He wouldn’t have a bar of it!! I tried to tuck him in blankets next to me on the couch… Nope. I couldn’t have him on my lap (which seemed the only other place he wanted of course) as I was cutting and sorting garlic.

Cue the sad face. He sat on the floor fluffed out, then when that didn’t work he hopped up onto the coffee table where I would be sure to notice him better – all hunched up, fluffed out and woebegone.
Tried the blankets and towels again… not good enough!!
Seriously award winning drama!!

I let him onto my lap when I was done with the garlic, under a blanket. He settled in but no purrs.

When Jeff got home I asked him to smash out the old baffle plate so we could at least use it until we got the new one as I wasn’t going through that again

Fire back on Sunday and someone was the sweetest content-est and purriest cat ever!!

In other news, our squadron of possums are wrecking havoc in the garden (by squadron I think I mean three)
Cute little buggers, but grrrr on eating all my parsley in the top garden! They’ve pruned the strawberries too… a lot!

The strawberry patch needs a tidy up anyway…

I didn’t mean to but I ended up weeding the plot below and mulching. (That was the B12 talking)

The possums are getting into the main garden too… I think I know where so I should be able to fix it. They started getting into the parsley there too but I now have netted it to slow them up somewhat

I am up to $110 worth of garlic sales – I’ve separated all the good planting cloves. I’ve set aside mine to replant and sold a lot more.
I’ve still got a couple of bags to deliver and then I’ll have to sort the purple garlic

All the small middle parts of the garlic or the awkward cloves I cut and peeled and finally got to and mixed up my garlic salt.
Yes, it does look like vomit!! Erk
I ended up putting 500g of garlic and a kilo of pink rock salt together – whizzed it all up and added in some parsley as well. Its spent a lot of time in the dehydrator… like 20 hours or so.
The last couple of nights I’ve taken the chunks of it and been painstakingly grinding it in a mortar. (It thwarts my Gee-Whizzer – it just jams up!)
Anyway, I am getting there. We’ve really enjoyed using the home made garlic salt over the last 12 months, so its worth the effort now.

The weather is mostly gloomy and rainy. We have been out hiking a few times this week… in the wet weather gear! Still trying to work off the choccie bikkies!
I made some soap today… hoping to do another batch tomorrow.
At some point I might even do some housework… who knows? I’ve lost the plot when it comes to any semblence of plans or schedules!!

Take care and stay healthy wherever you may be!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “The A-cat-emy Awards…”

  1. I have not used an electric coffee grinder on dry garlic but have used it on dried mushrooms and dried carrots to make powder. If you have access to one, it may be worth a try. Saved me my arm muscles.
    Love following you on your blog.

    1. Thank-you – thats a good idea… I’ll ask around! I am nearly finished this lot but to muster enthusiasm for a second batch… an easier way would be really attractive !!

    1. Yours are feisty looking little things!!! I do like our possums though… despite the garden ravaging!!

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