Summer Food

Ew. Hobbit Feet.

Anyway… another super warm gorgeous SUMMER’S day.
The wind kicked up a bit so I went around and hand watered today.

I dug up the self seeded potatoes that are growing in a pumpkin patch. Really nice size too!

I dragged Jeff from his comfy chair to help me pick snow peas and raspberries. They both take so long so the extra set of hands and eyes was useful!

Earlier I turned my friends raspberries into jam. Had about 4lb’s of fruit

I also got all nostalgic about my childhood Sunday Roast Dinners and went out and picked some of that mint and made up some mint sauce.

I even have the old herb cutter from the second drawer from the family home. (I spotted it in the garage sale that my parents had when they moved and I snaffled it!!)

Sorry – I am not so great at food photos. And meat stuff before its cooked maybe not so appetising 😀
However – dinner tonight was fabulous. (If I do say so myself.)
I got some chicken thigh fillets and dolloped them with the pesto I made yesterday, then wrapped them up in bacon and baked.

On the side was steamed new potatoes (butter and my garlic salt) and a big fresh salad!
Oh – loving the first taste of new potatoes again! Sigh. Bliss.

And – I squeezed in making a batch of soap too 🙂 (Of course)

Hope you’ve had a great day too!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

3 thoughts on “Summer Food”

  1. Yum! looks divine! How do you make the mint sauce? I grow a lot here in the summer in Chicago and am always looking for ways to use it.

    1. Mint is lovely! Such a great smell! The mint sauce I made was a vague recipe from my childhood.
      Basically get a good lot of mint and chop up fine. I then put a spoon of sugar or so in a cup and add some boiling water to dissolve. That goes into a bowl with the mint. Then splash in cider vinegar. Basically taste test until not too sweet or too vinegary…. and add more of whatever is lacking !! haha – told you it was vague! Nice and simple though!
      I do have a nice Mint Jelly recipe although I haven’t made it in an eon:
      You need:
      A couple of Granny Smith cooking apples, some vinegar, a pound of sugar and (of course) mint.
      500g Granny Smith apples, cored and chopped (it’s not really necessary to peel them)
      375ml (3/4 pint) of white or cider vinegar
      500g (1lb) sugar
      4 tablespoons chopped mint
      Cook the chopped apples in the vinegar until soft. Purée or sieve the mixture.
      Add the sugar and bring back to the boil, stirring.
      Boil for 10 minutes, then add the chopped mint.

      I’ll have to do this again sometime – maybe when the apples are ready. 🙂

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