Random Stuff

So… Flea is still separate from the rest of the flock. She thinks she is a dog or something.
The other girls aren’t trustworthy around her now that she has been away so long. (The meanies) She is happy living in the hothouse(although she free ranges around the top garden) and coming inside in her carrier for the nights.
Funny to walk out to the dining room in the morning and hear a chook crooning from the depths of the cage.
She won’t let you forget that its high time she was OUT!!

Her foot/leg/shoulder or whatever she damaged is pretty good. She will still favour it slightly but all in all… she’s fine. Follows us about if we are outside of course and tries to come inside when she spots a chance.

I got tired of my hair dreadlocking at the ends so the other day I just cut a nice big hunk off it all!!
Showers are much speedier now that I am not fighting to get a comb through it.

Before the fence went up I moved a few barrow loads of sawdust from the paddock to the chook coop and the path down through the veggie patch

Its done wonders for the slick mud walkways.

The purple garlic is all sitting up. I replaced about 6 cloves that had rotted but all in all a pretty good % success rate.

(I found these on the ground happily growing where I dropped them! So they got planted too)

My super dooper slow winter tidy up of the garden.
Another plot dug up..

Weeded and mulched

With a bit of protection for the parsley that something keeps eating

There is a fabulous little patch of rocket up in the top garden that I threw seed in and amazingly nothing has eaten it (except me)

Still loving my almost nightly rocket, feta and pickled beetroot salads

Late late passionfruit! And wow… it was exceedingly tart! (the kind of tart that makes your ears meet in the middle)

Still pulling up carrots as needed. They are doing fine considering I planted them in October last year!
These went into a lasagne that I made last week

My celery, much neglected and slug ravaged, nevertheless has been growing well

I picked a whole lot, cleaned up and pureed and popped into the dehydrator

I’ve been stocking up making my garlic salt, and a version of garlic salt with chilli…
I also wanted to try making celery salt

Pleasing colours!
Wasn’t sure of the ratios but popped in a generous amount of salt to the powdered celery and mixed it up

I am super pleased with the results too!
Now I need to cook stuff that I can go nuts sprinkling salt over

So I picked more celery. Some went into the soup but I’ll make another lot of pureed celery – at the very least the powdered celery is easy to store!

We were down on laundry liquid… so I mixed up a new batch.
We are good to go for a while!!

I’ve finally picked up the crochet hook again – I started this years ago then got distracted with many many things.
I was working on it in Japan – one of my girlfriends there was admiring it. I had decided to give it to her but its taken an eon to finish it off.
Its now in the post!

Currently in the beginning stage of a new rug. Two colours only so fairly simple.
Night falls early now so its nice in front of the fire after dinner watching something on Netflix or whatever 🙂

And why not finish up with some soap??
I haven’t had a chance to create some in a while with the fence and everything.
After a bit of snooping on youtube I thought I would give this pattern a go in my slab mould!

I am glad I made the dividers!

I am quite happy with my first go at this design. Some of the middle bits were a bit chunky in the design where there wasn’t enough definition and I know how I can improve that.
I used Peppermint Ess oil for this one and it smells lovely and fresh!

Well… thats a bit of a roundup of the misc. ‘stuff’

Hope you are all destined for an amazing weekend!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Random Stuff”

    1. Flea is pretty quiet in her box overnight. Pip doesn’t seem to take any notice. Its just really funny watching him try at the same time to be wary but also pretend she is not happening !!!

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