Quiet Days

Hi – How is everyone doing with their slower lifestyles – if indeed thats your case?
The weather here has turned pretty cold. I think there must be snow somewhere judging by the feel of the wind today!
Had the fire on all day!
Actually I did the Good Wife Thing and got up early to set and light the fire so Jeff would have a warm house to come home to – its his birthday – but it went out!!! It was going really nicely but just burned too quickly between lighting and him getting home.

I really did not do a good job with my tomatoes!
Yes, they are producing and ripening but I gave up on looking after them long ago – now they are a jungle, sprawling on the ground and the cold weather has brought the slugs/snails back.
Still plenty to pick though even if they are going manky (The plants not the fruit)

Months and months down the track, the crazy tall capsicum plant ‘Mad Hatter’ has started with its fruit going red!

I had one in a salad yesterday and they are lovely and sweet!

Still plenty of zucchinis. I hadn’t checked for a while…. oops

The other night I sat in front of the telly (Stargate Atlantis lol)(The most super awesome thing about that show is that no matter where one goes in the galaxy – everyone speaks English (except the super bad guys)) and chopped all the tomatoes I had been collecting, put them on the stove and cooked them.
Nice lot to store in the freezer.

Yesterday evening I hear quite the racket outside and upon investigation, found a family of black cockatoos feasting in the apple tree!! Parents and a squeaking young one that got fed applesauce on the odd occasion! So funny to watch.
Hows the cheek of them!!! This fellow flew over the paddock with apple firmly clamped in beak!

I love these birds!!

So – thats quite the hint to get my behind out there and pick the remaining apples so we have some on hand this season!
The rotters often just take a bite or two out of each one!

They’ve not done a bad job really!!!
I bet the possums are coming in at night and gorging themselves silly too.
The European wasps have joined in the fun as well (Not fond of those – invasive bitey things – not to mention complete jerks)

Pip came out for a bit with me as there was a bit of time without rain.

Not a bad haul… will cook and freeze some and share others

I think I mentioned in a previous post that our other apple tree was about dead. This one looks to be on its way out as well.
I guess we should decide about removing at least the fully cactus one and replant something.

I’ve been out the back slug hunting with Support Chook – now its pouring again. She is pretty good at going into her shelter though. Its a bit horrible out there right now!!
Daylight savings has finished – and the days are shortening more noticeably.
Don’t think we’ll get that late summer I was all keen on!

I haven’t been back to the supermarket since I did my ‘last’ shop.
I was thinking of getting the milk delivered. There is a local mob who do it which might be a smart move. As long as they come up as far as us – which they might not.
Note to self… investigate!
Sharon should be in midweek to collect carrots, apples and other fresh food.
She sourced me some carrot seeds and is going to barter with farm fresh butter… so thats pretty handy! They will also be dropping off firewood sometime soon as we bartered a big macrocarpa log a while back for it.
So lucky to have the ability and connections to do this kind of thing!

Stay safe, stay happy

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

10 thoughts on “Quiet Days”

  1. Lisa your apples look beautiful. Please give Jeff warmest birthday wishes from Georgia and hope he’s not working to hard. All health care workers are in our prayers with all this virus mess. Sorry about the fire not cooperating. Thank you for sharing your world with us!!
    Love from Ga

  2. If and when you take down your apple trees, the larger pieces could be bartered to someone who smokes meat. Apple smoked meat is fabulous! Have a local smoker/restaurant that I bartered a large branch that my husband wanted cut. They gave us two huge meals for it. No complaint here at all!
    Do you know what kind of apple you have? Would think that since these produce wonderful apples that you’d want the same kinds. Also here in the states, there are groups who search out old varieties, trying to save them. Old farmsteads are their first place to search. You may want to check that out where you are.

    1. What a lovely thought… mmmm apple smoked meat!! I’d never heard of it but now I confess my mouth is watering a bit!!

    1. Thank-you so much – I think I’ll have to look into it soon – its not been a ‘thing’ (the masks) here but we are a bit of a hotspot for covid19 in this area that they are trying to squash! And I know Ruby would have been really touched by your thoughtfulness of worrying about our safety.. xxx

  3. Hello Lisa,
    Those bird pictures are amazing!
    We too are plagued by slugs here in the NW. To many to count. Too bad they are not attracted to weeds like they are young seedlings. The only thing I have popping up are sweet peas. I’ve been busy sewing masks so my family and friends can go to the store feeling a bit safer. We are due for some warmer weather this week so I hope to go out and mow and get some edging done. Maybe drop a few more cool weather seeds in the ground too.
    My best to you and Jeff☺

    1. Thank-you Teresa!
      I just love those black cockatoos!!
      And re slugs… at least I have support chook on the job 🙂
      Good on you for making the masks. Its been interesting reading the to and fro on the masks. I don’t expect it would hurt to use one!! Its not really been a thing around here (yet!!)
      Hope you got that warmer weather!

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