Proper Summers Day


Today was really a super day. Hardly any wind and clear blue skies! Felt like it might have actually been summer!!

Today I popped down to one of the local churches who are putting on a free Christmas dinner for about 70 people on Friday night. I made them some pavlovas last year and they asked if I would do it again. Sure.
Haven’t made a pav in a while, but they looked like they turned out ok!

(Photo from last Christmas) The uncooked pavlova
(photo from last Christmas) Baked Pavlova
(Photo from last Christmas) And the all important cream and fruit topping!

I still have another one to make so I can take it to Ruby’s for Christmas Lunch Dessert. Although it will probably be topped with strawberries this year since the raspberries are still twiddling their thumbs…

Back home it was beetroot relocation day. I really don’t have room!! The poor things all need thinning out badly. The garlic should have been harvested a couple of weeks ago – and freeing up a lot of garden space. But still waiting there

Too many

I dug and spaced out one row – I guess its a start. I used the spare space in the lettuce bed for now

Hopefully they will perk up and come good!
Its all looking reasonably good
Carrot flowers and garlic after a good soaking

Jeff and I decided that it was time to get the kayaks out of hibernation.

High tide was late today – but we were keen to get out for a paddle

My other little camera (the one that fits in a ziplock and has less chance of being drowned and is also easily replaceable $$ wise) was out of battery charge completely! How annoying. So I can’t show you how lovely it was out on the water this evening!
Here is a reminder shot from earlier this year:

Paddling on the Inglis River

Looking forward to a lot more paddling over summer!
Hope everyone has had a lovely day!!

A little sunset over the poppy field

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “Proper Summers Day”

  1. What a beautiful garden! You work so hard on everything – and Jeff too. It seems like it was just a couple weeks ago and all your plants were little starts. They sure grow fast. I know you are opposite on seasons (WA State), but I’m not sure if that means you are six months ahead or where on the calendar. It is nice to see your sunshine and all the food that is growing. You two work so hard on everything. The kayaks look SO FUN. We are cold right now.

    Have a great Christmas,

    1. I am about to go out into the duckyard to sort out some of those crazy weeds! Jeff is already there 🙂 I am having a super lazy start today!
      Yes – I think everything is slow, then I look at some photos from a couple of weeks back and I think… no – its ok! And I think the seasons are so messed up lately, its still cool to be comparing gardens with people around the world at different points of the year!
      Seems like another proper summers day again today!! time to put the sunscreen on! 🙂
      Can’t wait to get back out in the kayaks! Was so much fun to do that again!
      Have a lovely Christmas!! 🙂

  2. It is funny to see your gorgeous and light raspberry pavlova (thank you for explaining what they were- I thought they were some Eastern European cookie, ha ha!) being served for Christmas dinner, I just finished rolling out a batch of heavy gingerbread. It is very neat to see the differences in how we celebrate the same holiday on opposite sides of the world and season. And your garden looks amazing as always 🙂 I read earlier this week how an Austrailian woman found a tiger snake in her Christmas tree, it made me think of you, LOL. Have a Merry (and snake free!) Christmas!

    1. lol – I saw the snake in the tree too and laughed a lot!! I have been reading all the comments on Mavis’s post about Christmas dinners around the world and it makes me hungry! 🙂
      I have never made gingerbread!! Are you going to make it into a house or just cookies?
      I will post more Pavlova info when I make the official Christmas one!
      Hope you have a lovely Christmas too!! 🙂

      1. I just made the gingerbread into cookies. The school my children attend have an annual gingerbread house decorating afternoon in the gym. I was going to make our house this year but my friend gave me a pre made kit that she didn’t use last year and I stored it for the whole year so I figured we should use it. Plus I don’t let the children eat the pre made house (gross!) so I made the cookies and home made royal icing so we could snack on that as they decorated their house. It was a huge event yesterday afternoon and the gymnasium was packed with children and their familes as we all decorated. A LOT of candy and icing were consumed by all of the children!!!! It was crazy but so much fun. The secret to making gingerbread (in my humble opinion LOL) is to roll it out between parchment or wax paper as soon as you make it, then chill the flat pieces stacked on a cookie sheet for at least 5 hours, then peel off one layer of the paper, cut the shapes, then put those onto your parchment paper covered cookie sheet for baking. Trying to roll out chilled dough is an exercise in futility, ha ha!

        1. I have never made a gingerbread house either! But photos of peoples creations pop up on facebook and they look great – and a lot of fun!
          I cannot imagine the collective sugar high of all those kids!! But I bet worth it – sounded like a blast!
          Your gingerbread cookies sound so tasty! I have done no Christmas cooking (except the pav’s) at all this year!

  3. I’ve only made the gingerbread and chocolate chow mein noodle cookies this year. Nothing fancy here for us! Ha ha! Save the gingerbread making for your wintertime and you’ll enjoy it more, plus you’ll (hopefully) have more time as your garden won’t be in- unless you can garden all year round.

    1. Good idea – extra novelty cooking is better in winter!! I do garden a bit in winter but not heaps…
      Merry Christmas!

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