
Hi – I keep getting distracted and side tracked lately, then glued to reading stuff online and then thinking ‘I’ll blog tomorrow’
Everything is changing daily – its hard to keep up!
From today (its just past midnight) no gathering of more than two outside family groups that you live with and enforceable by law.

I did go into town today – I’d been waiting to do a few things at once.
I managed to sell 10 of the above packs (seeds and soap (and garlic)) via one of the facebook pages I’ve been helping moderate for a while now.
So I picked up post boxes (they didn’t have enough so hopefully when I drop the first lot off they will have their stock in)
It was a good boost since there will be no markets for a long while. (Seeds and seedlings are scarce at the moment since everyone wants to start a garden and raided all the shops, both real and online!!)

The supermarket was stressful! Its like running the gauntlet! I overheard staff saying they get their regulars in every morning as if nothing is going on!!
So many people were in there. This usually doesn’t make me feel anxious but today was different.
The lady in front of me – her two sole purchases were a box of coke and a bottle of fizzy drink.
In my world thats not an essential shopping trip.
(And then I got the guilts because I was second guessing myself about my post office trip being non-essential?)(Although everyone has paid me for these items so … )

I shouldn’t over think!

It was nice to come home and go on a slug hunt and dig worms with my ‘support chook’ ๐Ÿ˜€

Tomorrow is my birthday! (Well technically I am an hour into it) The last year of my 40’s coming right up!!
I can be pretty confident that there won’t be any surprise parties haha.
If Jeff is feeling ok after finishing his night shift, we think we know a place thats still open to go for a good walk and stretch the legs properly.
Fingers crossed.
I am lucky enough to share my birthday with my gorgeous niece, Emma – so no doubt we will get on the phone and sing to each other!! ๐Ÿ™‚
No other plans except there are a lot of tomatoes to cut and cook and I am pretty sure I need to make some more soap.

Hope you are all doing fine and not going too stir crazy.

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

20 thoughts on “Posting”

  1. i would think you doing post office runs to ship packages would be considered essential based on their contents ๐Ÿ˜‰ and maybe since you might be considered a small business?

    support chooks for the win!! i have my guinea pig, Theo, and my small old pup, Lily for creature companion support. and here spring is coming. things are greening up and wildflowers are coming in. i’m actually delving into some proper gardening this growing season as i live in a better zone for growing with better soils. renting, so things are limited, but some pretty and tasty things going in over the next several weeks.

    1. Thanks Lee – soap certainly essential right now!
      My support chook is inside in her cat carrier. I didn’t get her until dark tonight… I had the head torch on and she woke right up at the sight of the slugs in the upper gardens!! So we went ‘spotlighting’ for slimy things! haha
      Glad you’ve got some lovely furry companions too. They make all the difference!
      Oh how exciting about the upcoming garden!! I hope you have grand successes and lots of food!

      1. thank you for the well wishes!! i’m looking forward to sun gold cherry tomatoes, peas! (always wanted to try to grow), carrots, yellow summer squash and a smaller species of butternut/winter squash. just a few plants of each, but good quality seeds. going to intersperse some easy, colorful flowers. i’m sure the landlord is going to be a surprised >< i did some gardening last year, so trying to keep this year in good taste and within the boundaries i used last year ๐Ÿ˜‰ can't wait to have my own homestead to work on! then essential things like compost bins and support chooks who enjoy the slugs and snails can be added in to the mix! ps. i saw the other birthday wishes and am happy to hear you had a pleasant day chatting with friends and family <3

        1. Hi Lee! Oh you’ve got some great garden plans! Love to see the landlords face in a few months haha
          Planning and goals… love them. You have to have them! It would be so much fun working out where to go and how you would do your homesteading. Nothing ever really goes as planned but it usually follows its own amazing pattern xxx

  2. Happy Birthday Lisa. Here in NC USA we are getting ready to start 30 days of shelter in place. Grocery stores, drug store, post office, doctor visit and such will be okay. Can’t congregate even with other family such as sisters and their families. Social distancing is the new normal. I did get some planting done this morning – radishes, lettuces, onions, spinach and carrots. The garden may well feed us if the stock market continues to crash. There is plenty to get done around the house and garden so the days will probably pass fast. I am allowed to work my two days a week still. Looking forward to coming out on the other side of “Rona”.

    1. Thanks Beverly! A nice quiet day for me!
      Thank-you for your update! Its really interesting hearing what stage others are up to around the world. Your restrictions are sounding very similar to ours that have just come into effect. Changes daily it seems! Glad you got some planting done! Thats pretty positive!! I think gardeners will be in a very good position really.
      I had a chuckle… nice Aussie slang there… Rona ๐Ÿ˜€

    1. Thanks Pam… quiet day. Walk didn’t happen, but thats ok. Jeff was late getting in and was so tired. I just pottered about and chatted to lots of family on the phone which was lovely.

  3. Happy Birthday! This will certainly be one to reminisce about when youโ€™re old with โ€œremember when ……โ€ ๐Ÿ˜€. I work for Woolies and yes the number of people who come in for rubbish like soft drink or lollies is incredible. Theyโ€™re still social shopping and not taking it seriously enough ๐Ÿคจ Hope you stay safe down there (Iโ€™m in Toowoomba).

    1. Thanks so much Helen! Yes… very odd day. Baked myself a cake haha.
      Interesting to hear from a person who works in Woolies – I am sure you would be seeing some irresponsibility – not unsurprising but still disappointing. I mean…its not to say I didn’t add a packet of choc mint bikkies that I totally scoffed in one day to my shop… but they weren’t WHY I went shopping haha.
      Take care!

  4. HAPPY HAPPY Happy Birthday to you. Wishing you the very best ever! Hope all is well with you and yours. Know all will enjoy your beautiful soap. Stay well and safe so we can enjoy all your handywork!!love from Georgia

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