Plums and Pots

Looks like the plums ripened overnight! Now the trick is how to reach as many as possible. The big old cherry plum trees don’t have many options for leaning ladders against them safely… not while I am on my own anyway.

So I tottered about on the shorter free standing ladder, managed to pick a bucketful and not fall off.

A split second ago Pip was sitting up posing beautifully. Sigh.

First zucchinis! Yay! Been wanting to try out making zucchini chips in the dehydrator.

Went scratching about for potatoes and also dug up a few wonky carrots, more tomatoes and a lovely 2.5kgs of raspberries!

I’ve been wanting to try a few potted vegetables. I am not so good at container gardening. But I run a small gardening group for raw beginners and some people have limited space and were asking about it. I thought I could put together something and show people.
So I scavenged a few pots from around the yard (we have heaps!!) and mixed up my mushroom compost and some cheap potting mix. (I get the cheap stuff because I use half and half with the mushroom compost and when I have done that in the past things have been happy)

I used the bigger pots for the tomatoes. I just dug them up from the garden. I suspect they will be cherry tomatoes.

Not long after planting this one got depression – but pleased to report has totally perked up tonight!

I also relocated that celery that appeared in the hothouse

There was plenty of parsley to pot up and I am trying to rescue the basil and chilli plants that were in smaller pots and looking tragic.

Now I just have to remember to water daily!

I have a few hopeful butternut pumpkins. Lots keep dying off but happy to see one or two actually getting bigger

Well… I am going to find myself a movie and pick up the crochet. (Which is why I didn’t blog yesterday – found myself on youtube at midnight working out how to crochet a beret!)(As you do)



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Plums and Pots”

  1. Lisa, don’t know if they exist there, but strawbale gardening is also a space saver with wonderful results. Do a search, you’ll find lots of places to learn about them. Easily be another ‘net rabbit hole.
    I did it for a few years, as I was dealing with construction quality soil. After three years, the bale decomposed into wonderful soil which I incorporated into my yuck soil. Don’t have mushroom compost reasonably priced here like you.
    The edge of the US East coast storm hit us. Two-three inches snow but bone chilling cold and wind. Not going out today unless we have to. Sitting in front of the fire with my knitting is top on my to-do list today. Staying warm, Elizabeth

    1. Hello!! Ooooo… I have briefly looked and admired strawbale gardening but never really looked into it carefully or given it a go. It would be a really interesting and fun experiment. lol – “Net Rabbit Hole” I know what you mean. Is mushroom compost really pricey in your area? 🙁
      And wow on the storm!! But sitting in front of a fire with the knitting as a storm rages sounds rather delightfully cosy! I’ve been watching the weather up there and its mad.
      Keep staying warm!!!

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