Photo Challenge

Hello there!
Goodness the days are just speeding by!
Among this and that, another photo challenge has been done… I’ve done my bit but as usual there are stragglers so the 10 days turns into a month!

The first subject was PINK AND ORANGE. My idea was to just have an obnoxious colour combination.
I found that a challenge as I have very little pink in my life!!
Funnily enough, the album is gorgeous. I certainly didn’t appreciate how GREAT these colours can look together!!

Second subject, UPSIDE DOWN

So I went out and lay upside down on the grass with my camera until Flossie came ‘bok bok bokking along’
This made me laugh

I put more effort into the third subject, SMOKE, where I spent a very pleasant hour playing around with incense

Neat huh?

Then to lighten up the mood… I threw in the subject TOILET PAPER for the fourth subject.
The photos range from artistic, to clever – right up to hilarious.

Jeff walked out after waking up (sleeping off a nightshift) all bleary eyed confronted with this in his lounge room… haha. Took him a few moments of ‘what the?’ before he remembered there was a challenge on.

Day five we’ve returned to the classic BLACK AND WHITE

Day six – FIFTEEN…
People came up with all sorts of things. I ran about the yard making it look messier than it was! (At least I had lots of materials to work with!)

Day six, FORK/S
And there are some brilliant photos in this one… who knew a fork could look so fabulous?

Day seven- MINIMALIST.

It was nice of Tasmania to co-operate by providing sun and a blue sky!


Set myself up a little cabinet of green curiosities!
Overall this album is really attractive!!

And Day ten>>??
Since Jeff refused point blank to strut up and down with makeup on for me (spoil sport) I had to torture the cat instead…

Ahhhh Pip… so precious!
Naturally I wanted to set him up on a little catwalk outside… but spring being spring, as soon as I was ready to do that – the heavens opened and it poured rain! The old chair had to be plan B

Pip was pretty reluctant early on. First he stood like a broken down carthorse…
Then he spent time deliberately looking away –

Then he basically gave up and acted like an aloof statue while I got on with it and he suffered in Siamese Silence!!
And yes, he did get treats and cuddles afterwards!

Anyway, thats that!
Hope everyone has had a great start to their week!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

6 thoughts on “Photo Challenge”

  1. Loved Pip’s photo Shoot! I’m sure he wasn’t nearly as impressed as I am! 😉. Good going on the photo challenge.

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