Norwich House – The Adventure Begins

Hi there!
If I have done this correctly, this post should go out as I am flying across the waters to Texas! (You know – if I don’t miss any planes)
When we travel, we pretty much unplug from the world of the internet and enjoy things as we go – and save all the stories for when we get back. On occasions we might use an internet cafe, but its never a priority.

So you won’t hear all the travel news until I am back in Tasmania.
I thought I would try to add a few posts that would appear while I was gone (if I do it correctly) just so you didn’t miss me too much! haha

Anyway – I am taking you back five and a half years – when we first packed up our lives in Canberra and took the boat down to Tassie

(By the way – I was between cameras at this point. My beautiful faithful film camera had died and I wasn’t quite ready to get my first digital SLR, so all of these snaps are on a little point and shoot!)

The trip over was a lot of fun! A cousin arranged for us to take the working Toll Boat over instead of the usual tourist Spirit of Tasmania. At the time it worked out a crazy amount cheaper, plus we got to watch everything being loaded (Such a precision art!) and ate with the 10 other passengers at a table together like a big family!

Goodbye Melbourne

Good morning Tasmania!

We dropped by Ruby and Margies on the way to our new home because they had the keys.
The start of realising the more relaxing nature of a small country town. Margie & Ruby pop into the real estate agent and try to describe that Ruby is the wife of my great uncle and its perfectly fine for them to hand us the keys to their new house!!
No worries!

Our containers of household goods wasn’t due in for a day or so, but we had brought along the essentials and precious items with us (and Pip)

This is how you tie a Siamese Knot

The garden greeted us in full bloom! It was so beautiful and we were so excited to move into our first home.

We have amazing family around here. On our first day, one of our cousins dropped off a load a wood so we would have a start and not spend the night chilly!

Our first night was spent on a blow up mattress on the floor of the lounge room in front of the fire!
Life doesn’t get much better than that!

First morning coffee in the new home

I wasted no time. The house got the basic kitchen things unpacked then I was into the very over grown garden to make space for some tomatoes and potatoes! Very important!

Most of the weeds you can see were actually self sown parsnip!! Pity its not a vegetable we actually liked!!

The garden layout was very different then! But a garden is an evolving thing and I love changing things around and working on new styles!

Yes – thats bubble wrap. Made good seedling protectors

We immediately noticed the wind was a bit of a trial – and started taking steps to reduce the stress on the seedlings

It’s fantastic knowing farmers! Before I got onto the seaweed mulch, a massive bale of pea straw was the thing for mulching!

Eventually the plants grew out of their need for bubblewrap protectors and thrived on their own

Somehow I bought zucchinis that grew like balls!

Jeff was a happy husband when he bought a ride on mower! He still loves using it!

Goodbye grass daisies

My husband – such a hottie!

Of course we took time to get out and about in our new surrounds

I had forgotten about all these massive 11 armed sea stars washed up on Sisters Beach when we first went there!

Jeff’s hand for scale

With luck this won’t be the only post you will get in the three weeks I am away – but I won’t make rash promises!! (You know, because I am still not packed!!!!)


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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