Norwich House – Early Days

Hello Again!
Just another little look back to when we first moved into our little patch of paradise!

My parents came over fairly soon after we moved in and stayed with us over Christmas and some of the summer! It was a lot of fun – so many projects to get our teeth into!

One thing we learned pretty quickly was that the area really gets a LOT of wind. Sometimes days and up to weeks of it! When it finally goes away after a long stretch the silence is a bit spooky!

Dad working out all the old pins out of the post.

The garden can really suffer – the wind seems to stress the seedlings and slow growth as they are battered about. We decided to put up a proper wind break and do away with the madly attractive bubblewrap!

There was a lot of post hole digging!

I think the shade cloth was a good choice. The sun can still do its thing, but the wind is slowed down a considerable amount.

I think it looked rather smart too!

The garden had a much more sheltered feel.
We have taken it down at the end of each season then re-put it up again in spring. Its looking a lot more battered these days but its still doing the job its meant to do!





Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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