No Jeans But a List of Jobs

Look! Our apple blossoms are about to come out!

Welcome to Friday!
I went into town with Jeff today (all the way to Burnie – haha – 25 minutes down the highway) with the express purpose of picking up another pair of jeans for our upcoming trip.

Sigh. I should know better. Most of you are probably aware of my deep seated dislike of shopping for clothes. Today did not help at all. The first shop (Target)(Where I got the last pair in the Launceston shop a few weeks back) just didn’t have my size at all unless I wanted ‘skinny leg’ and nopety nope. I am 46 not 16. And I am aware I am not built for ‘skinny leg’
I tried jeans on at two other places before becoming thoroughly disillusioned and over it.
Jeff pretty much forced me to try on tops at one of them (I think I pouted a bit and just tried them on over the top of my t-shirt in the shop rather than going into the changing room again for the rigamarole of getting undressed/redressed.) He is beautifully patient. I am sure he wanted to see me wearing something new and nice in Japan and not my gardening clothes or the t-shirts I have had since before we met.
The tops that I got were at clearance prices, so I was lucky there – picked up some extra as it saves me going back for a couple of years haha.
I might even take a photo of my new pretties tomorrow for you…. maybe.

So – I even went into an op-shop (thrift) but the jeans in my size I could see the wear in the pants already, so I didn’t even bother trying them on.

Lovely pear blossoms

On the upside, I managed to pick up some carrot seeds to plant.

Once we were home, I wandered about the garden with pen and paper to note down the specific things that need my attention before we leave the country. The weather is still not playing the game at all! Its a long list.

The strawberry patches are doing well… one more so than the other!
I plan on picking up some pine needle mulch tomorrow, then I have to get out the nets and get them covered.

I also need to make a trip to the beach to stock up on seaweed to mulch the garlic. Its also a bit desperate for a good weeding

Time to dig this in and plant the corn!

I need to walk about with my secateurs to snip off the fruit tree suckers

The makeshift chook defender at the top of the garden gate needs rethinking. It does the job but its fiddly and doesn’t look very stylish at all!! (Basically I am just hooking the chicken wire at the top of the gate anywhichway I can)

I need to get my tables back to put my stall out and sell the seedlings that are ready for new homes! These runner beans for instance!!

Also spotted some cherry blossoms! I wonder if we will get a bit of fruit finally this season??
Anyway… my list is longer than the few things I have mentioned above, but at least its all on paper and I have something to work towards!

Hope your upcoming weekends are full of fun!


Evening falling on Norwich House

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

3 thoughts on “No Jeans But a List of Jobs”

  1. Your shopping expeditions sound like mine! Try clothes on, get cross and go shopping for the garden instead which is much more fun and productive! I usually end up stomping from one shop to another muttering about how people manage to go clothes shopping for fun?!

    1. Thank-you so much Hazel!!!! I am not alone! This message really made me grin. I thought I was weird. Most females I know totally LOVE that sort of thing. Its my own personal torture! I nearly bought a book in self defence but sensibly decided to save the money for my upcoming trip!
      Happily today I got sunshine and gardens! So much better hey?

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