New Day, New Garden Bed.

These (above) plus Those (below) are destined for a milkshake. I think a perfect before bed snack…

Today the wind and rain quit howling and carrying on, so I abandoned inside domestics and played about outside.

I chose 8 of the best performing Black Russian tomato laterals to put in my new raised bed.

Probably slightly squashy but not too bad

I took the lower leaf off and planted them fairly deep.
Within an hour they were all looking so woebegone!!! Never mind. They usually perk up within a day or two (hopefully)

I was in the middle of planting some other tomatoes and a couple of new Jehovah Witness ladies turned up! The younger lady was all keen to give me a card with a number so I could call to find out more, (because I have so much spare time) but I forestalled her with ‘Sorry (yes I tend to appologise) but I don’t believe in the supernatural’
Surprisingly she gave right up on the spot and said ‘Oh ok, we’ll get out of your way then.’ So I kept them around for a bit longer to chat about gardens because thats what happens to people when they enter my space. 😀
Mind you, I sent them on their way with a big bunch of parsley and no hard feelings 😀
Anyway, back to my dirt!

I was pretty happy with my brick garden idea, so I made another one!
This one I filled with mostly my own compost and a bit of the post hole soil and topped with mushroom compost.

I wanted a space for some pumpkins… and because I like living on the edge – I am trying watermelons again!

I figure I can train them to grow and run about in the places I want them to go. We shall see…

I gave Tentacular a bit of a trim, watered some stuff, did random weeding, replaced a couple of the poorer performing yellow tomato seedlings and fed the chooks spaghetti.
Remember I said we had a chicken that wasn’t doing well? I have been trying to get her to eat for ages… she was just sitting about fluffed up, puts herself to bed about an hour before the other girls. She’s not so tame so won’t eat out of my hand and if I throw her special food she is so slow and ‘meh’ that the other greedy girls come and guff it. Separating her didn’t work either. I thought we might have to… you know.
Anyway… I found something she really goes for!! Spaghetti!! ?? So I cooked up a big pot, put in some stock for flavour and have been putting it all around and she actually runs to try to get in and snatch some. She’s not out of the woods yet, but its a definite improvement.
Tomorrow I need to cook up some more for them!

Last on my list was trimming the oregano and filling the net herb dryer!
Honestly… I picked so much and the patch doesn’t look at all like its been touched!

It can just hang there for a while and do its thing!
Anyway, I am thinking about that milkshake!!
Hope your week ends fantastically!!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “New Day, New Garden Bed.”

  1. I love that you added stock to the chicken’s spaghetti for flavour! You must have the most pampered chickens ever 🙂

    I also love that you gave the Jehovah’s Witnesses a bunch of parsley. I once gave a parcel delivery man some lemon balm seedlings!

    1. Hi Hazel!! I think I would have to agree about the pampered chickens!! I do love them – they are such a great part of this little life!
      lol – reckon your delivery man was pretty happy! I’ll have to hand some produce over to the postie next time she drops in!!
      Have a lovely weekend!!

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