More Lettuce

A sea of lettuce!

Poor Pip. He has been in a bit of a bad way. Suddenly while washing his nether regions he is howling/crying! No idea what has brought that on. He hasn’t been sitting down properly on his butt either.

We got an appointment at the vets, but I dashed down early to get some happy pills for him so things wouldn’t be quite so traumatic.
He was seriously stoned

He had to sit his back half down to manage to eat (he totally had the munchies) and spread food everywhere

Oh he was NOT happy at the vet. It was like he was swollen up because I couldn’t get him out of the carrier!
I did finally, sat him on his towel and had him by the scruff of the neck and patting his head and saying soothing things while the vet prodded his manly bits and Pip growled and yowled! (Understandably)

On the good side, no sign of the usual/possible issues. I know he has done a few wee’s no problems with no crying or difficulty. So rule out kidney stones or UTI’s. No redness or swelling.

Could he have over washed his tender boy bits? Lets face it. Cat tongues are like sandpaper…
I got sent home with some pain meds in syringes (oral), a cat collar and one really unimpressed but still stoned cat.

He was dopey pretty much right up until bedtime – I put the fire on last night and left him on the couch since his motor skills for jumping into his usual bed were still iffy.

Today he is a bit better. Collar has been off and on. A couple of washes has brought about a growl
I think he just might need to leave things alone for a bit!
Right now he is up under my windcheater curled in a ball sleeping! (Nawww)

Anyway, enough about my cats private parts haha

Spare bed… really needed to get more lettuce up and coming, so gave this a quick dig and added some good compost stuff in.

I grabbed a punnet of mixed lettuce seedlings the other day -soaking them so I can pull them apart more easily.
I decided to put both seedlings and seeds in

And a row of spinach – I like the baby spinach leaves

Seedlings separated and spaced out

And in! yay.
I’ve also stretched out the netting to cover this plot as well.

Its actually getting cool/cold at night already.
I’ve got a million tomatoes and a plot of corn that needs more hot weather. Wish the tomatoes would ripen faster! They seem so far behind this season again

Still… was able to forage for a decent lot of food for dinner

I get enough tomatoes to put in the nightly salads… those strawberries. I plan to eat them later. They smell so good. (Yes a few got eaten while at the patch)

The cucumber plants have been slow but reasonably steady. They’ve struggled with some bug I can’t get on top of but we’ve had enough to put in the salads as well, so thats ok… and another lone capsicum (so sweet!)

And of course some potatoes!

In other news, I am attempting to hike regularly again…!! Sigh. Not done so well over summer in this regard
Anyway, did a double lap of the river track the day before yesterday. (12kms)
Spent yesterday in ‘Fretting About Pip’ mode, but managed a lap today – just one as I was developing a good sized blister (which sadly tells you how much hiking I have NOT been doing) so thought best to finish up and tomorrow plaster it up before heading out!

Anyway, thats about all the recent stuff around here!
Hope you are all having a really lovely weekend!!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “More Lettuce”

  1. Hope Pip feels better soon. Poor guy. Your garden looks so good! I can’t wait for winter to end so I can get out in my garden. (I’m in Michigan) Luckily seed starting time is almost here so I can scratch my gardening itch until then.

    1. Thank-you… we were back at the vet today 🙁 Still a work in progress!
      Thanks… still waiting on those tomatoes!!! I bet you are so keen to get back into the garden now that winter is almost done!! Exiting time of year!

  2. Poor Pip. Hope he feels better soon. I stoped by the feed store today, but the seed potatoes haven’t arrived yet. We’re 2-3 weeks away from being able to plant potatoes. Your crop this year has inspired me to make sure I get some in the ground!

    1. Hi!! Did you get your seed potatoes? We are loving the freshly dug potatoes so much! Such an easy crop that generally gives such good returns!
      Got cold here in the last few days! I am NOT ready for winter. Hardly felt like we had summer!

  3. Poor Pip! My adult male cat had the same symptoms last year. After an initial vet visit to rule out UTI and kidney issues, his pain and swollen and smelly bum symptoms still flared: a return visit to the vet reveled severely impacted anal glands and led to a simple surgery for relief. I am so hopeful Pip is on the road to recovery!

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for telling me this. The vet didn’t seem to think the anal glands were abnormal but he is still wailing about washing poor chap. So I reckon I’ll be returning next week and I will suggest this to see what they think. At the moment his bum doesn’t seem to be swollen or notice anything in the area thats out of character (Not that I spend a LOT of time peering up my cats bum haha. Hate not knowing the cause and thus unable to help him.
      Fingers crossed we find something next week to sort him out. xx

      1. Hi Lisa! Can I ask what kind of food does Pip eat? Our cat ate dry cat food and developed crystals in her bladder. Poor thing would cry and actually slam her butt into the litterbox whenever she tried to go. Giving her only wet food helped so much. Hope Pip’s on the mend.

        1. Hi!! Oh your poor kitty 🙁 Glad the wet food helped. That would have been so distressing!! Actually Pip gets a good mix of wet and dry… we don’t go overboard with the dry. He also gets fresh wallaby meat at times. So far he hasn’t shown any symptoms of distress when he wee’s thank-fully! Overall he is quite happy, appetite etc. We just have to watch when he get washing that he doesn’t get too vigorous lol
          Thanks so much for dropping me a line about this.

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