More Jam, More Wood & More Rain


Lucky me! My cousin, Leonie, dropped in today to catch up. I had some photos of her daughter to give her and she gave me a box of mince, some lemons and a huge bag of kiwi fruit!! Going to have to look up a scrumptious recipe for those – Kiwi/pineapple Jam! mmmm


Cousin Jeff had dropped in some more wood on Sunday – then before I had a chance to do anything more about it, he was back today with the second load today


I am going to have to get my skates on and get this stacked, as the third load could possibly arrive Friday!!


Right now its half out in the elements getting severely rained upon!

The yard gets pretty churned up by the heavily loaded ute, but that’s not saying much as I practically bog the wheelbarrow on my way up to the house these days!


I am trying to work my way through the containers of produce in the freezer. I thawed out a 4 litre container of Ruby’s plums with the plan to make more jam.

new plum
Ruby’s beautiful plum tree in spring

It took an eon to get the pips out and mooley it into pulp!!

Pips and skins gone

House smelled rather nice during the process


I only cooked half – three pounds worth – I find if I try to cook bigger batches it takes 5 times as long and wont set properly! This lot was fairly speedy – I’ll do the rest tomorrow.

I had some on toast and am pretty happy with it!

The chickens are still laying well – although I wouldn’t blame them if they went on strike! Trying to keep them happy with warm meals every other day.

Potato Smash
They way they run in and snatch you would think they hadn’t been fed for a week!
Pretty Girl

Hope everybody else’s day was slightly drier than ours!!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

5 thoughts on “More Jam, More Wood & More Rain”

  1. Thank you for sharing your days!
    It is currently close to 100 degrees where I live and the humidity is so thick I feel like it suffocates!
    We moved from a lot of 13 acres to a small yard.
    Our large garden and raised beds fed us well for years.
    Our new garden is small and consists of a long raised bed. We also have vegetables growing in pots.
    No rain since April has been a challenge but water is cheap so hubster waters each evening.
    I canned 5 qts of tomatoes yesterday and 6 pints and 1 qt of green beans today.
    Canning will be in small batches since we have very few plants.
    We ordered a half bushel of Roma tomatoes from a farmer and I’ll work those up tomorrow.
    My neighbor is generous so we have all of the squash and okra we can eat!
    I’ve not considered mixing fruits for jams as you have. You are an inspiration!
    Thank you!

    1. Oh wow! You must be practically swimming through the air at the moment! Humidity is exhausting! – we don’t get it down here but I have lived in it before (I think I spent more time in the bath (cold) than out!)
      It must be a massive adjustment to go from such space to a small garden! But it sounds like it is producing well! I had to look up what okra was! Looks like a cross between a bean and a capsicum!
      You are lucky to have access to water – and cheap too!! You have reminded me – if it stays sunny long enough I should plug in the bore pump and make sure thats still working ok after so long with no use!!
      My cousin made the kiwi-pineapple jam and it was sensational! My fav mix from my fruit is plum/raspberry – 2/3 plum, 1/3 raspberry.
      Thanks for the garden update!! Its lovely to hear whats happening around the world – I cannot wait for the last of winter to disappear!! 🙂

  2. Lisa, I have a baseball cap that has LED lights in the brim. There are three different settings of light intensity, so I can wear it to read, find my way around a dark room and even wear it outside at night. I take it with me so I can knit in the car at night while my husband drives and if it’s on the first setting, it doesn’t bother the vision of the driver. I purchased it on Amazon, and would highly recommend it. No more lanterns on your shoulder. Linda

    1. lol – yeah, the lantern on the shoulder was slightly awkward! Jeff said he has seen something like that when I mentioned it! Would be a bonus around here since the weather is sending the power doo-lally! 🙂 I’ll get him onto it when he is properly awake – Jeff is the resident internet shopper! 😀

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