More Gardening at Judes…

I may or may not be writing this post to avoid vacuuming for another 15 minutes….
I popped back out to Jude’s place last week and the day was spent sorting the chook run

It used to be the original garden and had terraced layers of garden beds
The chooks have had the run for quite a while.

Weed wise, not really too bad – the chooks have scratched up and eaten them and with the soft ground, the docks (the most annoying weed) were coming up with tap roots in tact which is extremely satisfying

A bit of an after shot here. The overall plan is to properly net the entire area so a food forest of berries can be created!

This was a raspberry patch…. that got entangled with blackberries, a flowering pea vine (forget name) and an accacia (I think) tree and some other general weeds under the half cover of a very sad net.

Definitely a feel good moment to get into this and clear it out.

Ta Daa!
The chooks were having the time of their lives!

Jude uncovered the beds of chook grass… by the days end they’d trashed it!!

Pretty chooks and rooster!

Of course very satisfying to set fire to all the rubbish… Although it may have been a mistake to put the decades old coat onto the fire too because… phew!
Smelly smelly!
Wasn’t going to break out the marshmallows on that fire!

Rusty of course was being his super cute self…

The first five or ten minutes of me getting there he tries to turn himself inside out with wriggly happiness… which of course makes one feel super loved!
He did get his little butt locked up for a good portion of the time when we were working – otherwise we probably wouldn’t have gotten as far as we did.

Jude has tons of plants propagated and trays of seeds planted… all getting set for spring markets.

Lots of lovely Protea out right now too

Complete with lady beetle

These are pretty!
Jude also does cut flower bunches and the Protea look amazing in a bunch with pretty delicate other flowers surrounding the main bloom

And I can’t remember what the name of this fluffy little delight below is.
I swear I should have a notebook in my pocket when I go up there. So much to learn and I have a sieve for a head when it comes to retaining a lot of the names etc!

And because a couple of people asked…the name of the flower from the recent post – it is known as a Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia uvaria)
And here is another pic!
Vacuuming awaits!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

5 thoughts on “More Gardening at Judes…”

  1. Thanks for identifying the Red Hot Poker… I haven’t seen that before. Not have a seen crooks with white feathers outlined in black. Gorgeous!

    1. no worries!!
      lol… I had to think what crooks were and then clicked in to the typo haha. Sometimes my chooks ARE crooks!

      1. Hahaha…. I should have stuck with my native “chicken” and you would have known I meant the chook, not crook!

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