More Garden Stuff

As I type the wind is really kicking up out there! Pip is tucked up under my top keeping warm – and having a major licky-licky bath which is giving me the irrits haha – if he doesn’t stop soon I am evicting him and wrapping him in his towel so he can slurp all he likes on his chair.

How fluffy is the cherry blossom?? Loving it!

So… whats been happening?
I had picked up another load of soil from Sharon and Pauls place, and managed to top up the last strawberry bed.

Took a few barrow loads to get it sorted.

Filled it back up with strawberries. Most have survived although I think today I replaced about 5.

I also topped up this bed. At one end its got black peppermint… which is gorgeous!
Then the following day I did a complicated pattern planting rocket seeds.

Today I noticed that they’ve popped up already! Love how fast they are! I’ll give them a week then I’ll take out the sticks…

Oh! A strawberry. All very exciting until you return and find that the rotten blackbirds chewed it! Time for netting!!

Disappointed 🙁

I pulled up the second pot of potatoes in the hothouse. I think this one did better considering it was only one potato rather than three!
They are all gone now… they were sooooooo good!

Did I mention that we sold the log of macrocarpa timber to a fellow that randomly appeared on our doorstop and asked if he could buy it??
I checked with our tree guy who originally wanted to mill it but its been so long and its in someone elses paddock. Tree Guy will be able to take whatever he can when the last of them come down.

I wheelbarrowed 4-5 lots up to the garden and put in a separate heap with the coffee ground.

It should break down pretty well. No rush

I’ve also been getting some (green) firewood from our cousins place. I added to this pile with another load before moving it all today.

Moving things about so we can start storing the new wood and letting it dry out

We also got the leftover milled timber that wasn’t wanted so we can use it for anything we need around here… so we braced the fence end of the timber pile

I say ‘we’ … Jeff pretty much did that 🙂

I bought some steel droppers the other day and today scrounged about for timber to put the front on the compost.
Happy with that.

Now… to transform the other two bays haha
Seems like I will NEVER get this three bay compost thing finished to my satisfaction!

The weather has been fickle. One day superb, the next miserable.
Pretty funny when its a gloomy rainy day and I fail to put the fire on.
Pip sits around in conspicuous spots under my feet, hunched up, slightly fluffed out, looking pointedly woebegone.

Lets translate that into ‘You useless human where is my fire and towel?’

I try tucking him up in bed, but he prefers to be out in the open guilt tripping me.

Finally I cave (because lets be honest… I love a cosy fire)
So, human gets everything sorted, towel warmed, cat wrapped and finally I get some purrs.
Spoiled rotten perhaps?? Maybe??

Oh well.

Hope you are doing well!!
Enjoy the week ahead – lets finish with a snap of my beloved herb spiral… looking so lush!
One of my sisters just sent me a link to a recipe for oregano pesto… mmmm


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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