Market Day

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Sunrise over Wynyard Beach

Despite my pessimism about the weather and a chilly start – it was a gorgeous sun drenched day, with minimum wind! Sometimes Mother Nature gets it exactly right!

I found my spot and parked the car and of course grabbed the camera and dashed down to the beach! All that kelp!!! (yes yes – the sunrise was quite lovely, but I was making plans for a return to stock up on kelp for the garden!)

Wynyard Beach looking back towards Fossil Bluff

By then I was sufficiently awake enough to start unpacking the car and setting up.  I would like to take a moment to let you know that Jeff piked out on me and stayed home!! The advantage to this is he is not wandering the market unsupervised spending the money I am trying to make. The downside  was at the end having to cross my legs a bit! 🙂 (The public loos (toilets) are waaaay down the other end of the market)

Gazebo up

One of the regular stall holders that I have gotten to know came and helped get my gazebo up – I can do it myself, but its quicker with more hands of course! One of the nice things about this area – friendly helpful people – although I must admit the man in question did tease me about actually turning up today!! He thinks I am a fair weather person!! I would totally agree!!! If you had experienced having a market stall on the foreshore when the wind was howling, the rain was coming in sideways and unexpected hail in summer – then you would think it was perfectly reasonable to pull the covers over my head and stay firmly at home!

Ready to go

Today was one of the more perfect days!


There were lots of people out and about today, but not so many reaching into their pockets to spend.

I was really pleased though, to offload almost all the boxes of vegetables that I brought with me. The jams & sauces keep, so no drama and less cooking over the next couple of weeks!

I also put a nice big jar filled with parsley on the table and offered it free to people who stopped to chat or buy. I have so much parsley I am happy for it to be used, and a small free thing cheers people up I reckon!


I love meeting new people & chatting to the regular stall holders that I have gotten to know. I have made new friends with a couple and their young daughter who moved to Tasmania in their old bus less than three weeks ago and I have already run into them about 5 or 6 times. I am wondering if I should try to convince them I am not actually stalking them! 😀

People watching is fun, and customers are varied but mostly friendly and chatty. One lady made me chuckle a little today as she wanted some of my cherry tomatoes… I was offering that people could fill a bag for $2 (and telling them not to be shy about stuffing it as full as it would go)  Anyway, she only wanted a few unripe ones, so she filled the bag about a quarter full or so and asked how much… 50 cents I say confidently. Her face fell and she spent the longest time trying to decide what to do!! I thought it was a pretty good price (hey we are talking organic here too!) Maybe I should have just said to take them gratis!! Sometimes I think of the best thing to do too late!

People watching from the shade

By 2pm, everything had died down, so I packed up as fast as I could (remember – crossing my legs now) and drove literally across to road to see my Great Aunt Ruby, as its tradition for me to drop in after the market and have a cuppa!

I caught her cat napping in the sun (perfectly reasonable for someone who is nearly 100 years old!) So I dashed past with a breathless “Hi Ruby  – Its Lisa – I need your little girls room right now!!”

Once that was sorted I could give her a big hug and catch up. The darling had cooked me lunch!!!

A “Ruby-Nin” lunch

Everything from her garden fresh!! Oh did that go down well!!!  Of course we finished up with coffee and sponge cake before I took my leave to get home and unpack the car. (A job almost as bad as folding washing, but not one I can avoid – pretty sure Jeff would say something about having to drive to work with boxes of sauces and market tables in the car with him…)

It was nice to sit down with Jeff and count up all my loot – $130 today which turned out a lot better than I had supposed so was totally worth getting out of bed early and spending a day not in the kitchen!

A quick wander about the garden is necessary – just to see what is happening. Jeff had done a lot of work weeding and trimming trees etc. Then I saw someone – who shouldn’t have been – in my vegetable garden!!! Bad Chook!


After throwing the chicken back over the garden fence I ate a bean –

Fresh & sweet

and picked the last small corn cob to discover it had about 20 fat kernels  – so I ate those too! So sweet – they just explode in your mouth!

Fresh, sweet & very juicy!

I hope your weekend has been a lot of fun


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Zucchini Flower and Parsley



Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

12 thoughts on “Market Day”

    1. Hello! Hope your day clears up – I will be lapping up all the blue skies over autumn before the grey winter sets in!
      I didn’t forget the kelp – but it wouldn’t have fit in the car. I’ll need to take the trailer down as I have been banned from putting seaweed into the car. 🙂 It really did make a wet sandy slightly smelly mess the one time we did that!! Maybe tomorrow??

      1. the rain went away but the clouds lingered. and now it’s cooler, this will probably be the last chill of spring for us

        I see you did get the kelp….your plants will love it!

        1. Its a lovely time of year when winter is going away isn’t it? Blue skies have gone for us today and the rain has settled in!

  1. Hi Lisa,
    I am so glad that you are now part of my blog reading world. With a cup of coffee I sat down and caught up on all your posts, which by the way you surely are a natural at. Found you through Mavis’s blog One Hundred Dollars a Month and Dig for Your Dinner blog. Tasmania looks beautiful and your home so peaceful. Looking forward to reading and learning more, I am in Ontario Canada and the gardening season here really depends on Mother Nature’s winter, snow, how much and how long it hangs around. Thanks for blogging.

    1. Hi! Thank-you for your encouraging message! I am having fun with this. Mavis was so lovely to give this a boost for me.
      Beautiful Canada! I married a Canadian! Good choice huh?? 🙂
      Now I just need to go and work out what to do about the over-zealous spam filter!! 😀

  2. I found your blog through Mavis Butterfield at “One Hundred Dollars a Month.” Your photos are gorgeous and your writing is lovely and fun. So happy to add a new blog to my favorites!

    Jill from southern California

    1. Hello Jill! Thank-you for joining in and taking the time to message me! Its very cool to have a few readers scattered about the globe!

  3. Hello Lisa,
    I’m another one who has followed you through Mavis. I love your blog. Great pictures and great stories. I have to remember you are on different seasons than we are here in Washington State. It’s great to see you make some extra money on the things you grow. It sure helps pay for things. You sound so busy! And you sound and look happy! I will definitely continue to read.

    1. Hi Janet! Thank-you for coming to see what I have done so far! (I am sure I will find a direction with it soon 🙂 ) Yes – one of the things I love about reading Mavis’s blog is the opposite seasons… so when I am slowing down and snuggling by the fire I can see the lovely summery gardens up your way!

  4. Lol I was going to ask about the kelp shame you had to leave it. I laughed about you people watching we sometimes do the same just go into the city and park in the main street and watch people it is funny the things people do when they are unawere anyone is watching lol. Your Aunt is a sweetheart making you lunch and it looked so yummy. Glad you had a great day at the market, I do love to go to the markets so many yummy things on sale also the stalls of bits and bobs you never know what you might find. Have a great day

    1. I may get the kelp later today! Its blue skies and sunshine again today.
      There will be more on my Aunt later – she is amazing.

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