Lettuce in, Some Wood Stacked!

Hello everyone! I do believe I got a little sunburn today!!!
Emma and I went out and picked up about 14kg of beautiful mince. I had run out and with great timing, the cousin I get our beef off did an entire beast into mince!
We did home made hamburgers tonight and wow!! So. Good.

By the time we got back Jeff was carting loads of the firewood down the back and dumping them next to the back area – so I got stacking!

Great – thats done. However Cousin Jeff dropped off another load the other day… but sometimes you have to not do in your back all at once!!
I have to rearrange the drier wood into an accessible place before piling a heap of semi dry wood on top.

It was time for some of the lettuce to get out into a bigger garden. I took off the net and planted out the first lot since it was all topped up with compost and ready to go!

Of course they are all bedded down in their containers for the night now

I still have LOTS left over in the original pot and some that got separated as I was planting the above. Will attempt to get those into their own pots.

Perhaps I will also find another spot in the garden for the other ones as well!

Jeff fell over the fence into the chook yard area this morning so that pushed the job of fixing the fence up to ‘Urgent’
I let the girls out into the bigger part of the yard and they were thrilled! Of course they ran straight to all the areas that they weren’t supposed to be in, but eventually they settled on the new weed pile and the area that Jeff was chopping wood up and dug about until their little hearts were contented.
Caught our old white chook having the most blissful dust bath ever!

In the meantime I fixed up the temporary fence so its easy to use and also fixed up the other end where there was a gap between the old fence and new.

Jeff also made me a bean tepee!! So excited! Now I have to carve out an area to put it and plant some beans ASAP!

Discovered plums on the young tree. I think it was called an “Euro Plum”

Thats about all news from our place today! Time to take my slightly aching limbs to bed I reckon!
Hope everyone has had a fabulous day!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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