Latest Soaps

Wow… the wind kept up howling all last night and only calmed down a bit this evening.
Into the bargain it totally poured all day.
Eventually I got off my lazy bottom and went outside, got the ladder and cleared the gutters that were kinda overflowing.
Our chooks are daft… I went down to lock them up and they were all out still partying in the rain! They looked like they had been swimming! (and yes, they do have several places to go to get out of the wind and rain.)
We lost a couple of branches from the pear tree – laden with pears. Sob.

So much for summer!!

Not sure if I shared the cut of the cedar and saffron soap, so there it is above, just in case

We had a workshop last weekend…

Some of the samples of the groups soaps (Plus my demo soap)

Its fun working with people and seeing what ideas they come up with

Last week was a bit humid (weird for here) so some of the soaps we had to leave a bit longer before unmoulding

The sheep and cow soaps are cute tho!

I bought a slab mould and got totally over excited and ambitious to make something in it.

Oopsie… the coloured mixtures thickened up too quickly and they didn’t blend how I imagined. I used cardboard tubes (ok – loo rolls) to pour the coloured bits in. then flooded the rest with a plain white batch.
Was a bit of ‘fun’ removing the tubes as the coloured soap mix wanted to come back up too!

The bottom.

Anyway, it all came out of the mould nicely and turned out a bit better than what I assumed it would.
I had to do the long cuts with a knife…I didn’t muff it too much but reckon I should get or make myself a bigger capacity wire cutter as its so much easier and more precise.
My knife cuts just usually look like I was drunk.

Yet to be tidied up, but not a bad end result.
I am going to experiment with one of the top ones and scrape back the bulby messy top bit and see if that looks better.

Left as it is, they look like they have a weird growth 🙂

The leftover coloured mixture I just scraped into my dragonfly moulds

I’ve been watching a fair bit of soaping stuff on youtube.
Maybe I’ll try something else tomorrow!

Yesterday I made up a batch of the Gardeners hand scrub, Eucalyptus and beach sand … really popular that one. If I was smart and dedicated I’d make a whole lot more of it…. hmmmm

Hope you’ve got a great weekend planned!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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