Just Another Day

Hi there!
Not much terribly exciting happened today.
It rained (a lot) (again) and I ran about like a maniac getting things done while the girls were at school.
Their laundry – keeping the fire going to get it all dry, baked them a cake because the school is taking them to Cradle Mt tomorrow and I wanted to pack something extra in their lunch.
Hopefully they will get to see some snow…

I also baked the chooks a cake – with a very peculiar mix of ingredients.
There were a few eggs that had been cracked in the nest that I didn’t want to risk eating – shells and all.
Some leftover cat food. Some dodgy yoghurt.
Some oats, flour, old cereal, bacon rinds, some cooking fat…
Thats all I can remember. A completely horrific mix that the chickens went wild over!!! Don’t have to be a great cook to please the feathery friends, thats for sure!

And in the background of life, I am still crocheting a bit in the evening, so I snapped a photo of the latest bags.
Sadly the yarn I was buying for this suddenly disappeared from the shop.
Time to move on to new designs soon!

Hope your day was lovely!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Just Another Day”

  1. Can commiserate with you about the yarn disappearance. I developed a whole line of children’s hats based upon a certain yarn. My LYS is closing down so I purchased A LOT of this yarn. Went online to check color names and NONE of the colors that I use are listed by the manufacturer! In fact there was little choice in colors, and none appropriate for babies and kids. Either they are preparing for a major release or that particular yarn is being totally discontinued. Bah humbug!

    1. 😀 I’m hearing you 🙂 !! Its annoying when it happens – especially if you haven’t finished a project and you failed to get enough yarn by a smidge! I have had a few really nice yarns disappear!
      I had the hassle with the online thing – happily took my order then only sent about 20% of it because they sold out but hadn’t updated the site!! Luckily it was just for smaller projects not a jumper that I needed that exact quantity for. Sometimes you do get lucky tho… I love prowling around yarn shops even though we only have a few here.

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