
Hello there!
I have had a spectacularly lazy day today!! It was a pretty terrible day weather wise – lots of wind and rain. It wasn’t inspiring me.
I was in my nightie until about 4pm – slightly embarrassing answering the door to a friend who was picking up those tomatoes I forgot to put out for her!!!
I ate badly today.
Really badly.
The vegemite toast for brekkie was ok… but I ate chocolate biscuits (cookies) at what I thought should have been lunch, then because Jeff didn’t wake up I proceeded to have hot chocolate, Camembert cheese on bikkies with sweet chilli sauce for dinner – washed down with an apple and some ginger beer.
And a bit of chocolate.
Yet to work out if I feel guilty about this or not!!

I did finally work out how to post on Instagram!!
Because we don’t own mobile devices, participating on instagram has not been straightforward. I joined an eon ago and promptly gave up on it because it just seemed too complicated to sort out and I had other things on my agenda to do.
Today I found an excellent web page that outlined really clearly how to go about it!!
I am still at the stumbling about point and not knowing what I am doing (although I have been advised to hashtag everything haha) but its a start.
My username is very unoriginal – lisamareemillar
I was thinking of changing it to CloudyFeet…
What do you think? Any other super suggestions??

OK – I am going back to continue my lame and lazy day!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Instagram”

  1. Love the name, Cloudy Feet. I’m technically knowledgable but still don’t know a thing about Instagram. I leave all those new thing for the children/young adults.

    I really enjoy reading your postings.


    1. I like Cloudy Feet too… but I am still procrastinating 🙂 (of course) I get told that Instagram is where its all at… not sure exactly what I want to focus on with it, but I am sure some brainwave will occur sometime haha – at least I know how to post now! Progress!!
      So glad you enjoy my posts!! Its a bit same same here at the moment but I am enjoying working with the tree!! xxx

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