I’m Still Here

Hi!! Haven’t quite fallen off the face of the earth… meant to do a post before we went up to Cradle but the main phone company in Tasmania (Telstra) had a bit of a hiccough and phone/internet connections went down across the state! Fast intro into unplugging!

Anyway… we took the boys up to Cradle Mt National Park and stayed overnight in a cabin that was really great. Did a walk around the lake on the first day and dragged them up the mountain today.

They were happy to pose whenever I asked!! (its a usual thing around me)

On the way back from our walk yesterday we nearly got run over by this fellow!!

He walked up to us no fear at all!!

Today we did Marion’s Lookout, then over to Cradle and did the Face Track back to the carpark

They did fantastically for city boys who have never done this kind of thing before!!

Anyway… only dropping in briefly tonight as I have another long day of driving… taking them back to Launnie as they are flying out to Melbourne/Ballart for a few days (you know.. if all goes to plan) to stay with Rachel.
SO… bedtime for a very tired me!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “I’m Still Here”

  1. What is that cute animal? I know he is probably dangerous, but he looks like you could pick him up and cuddle him like a teddy bear.

    1. Made me laugh Jennifer! This is a wombat! I know the lack of poisonous fangs are disappointing, but this one probably wouldn’t thank you for the cuddle! Often, they are hand reared when orphaned and until maturity make rather lovely pets (you can only do this as a proper wildlife carer which a lot of people do at home. My friends friends have this enormous spoiled wombat that sleeps on their couch and goes with them to visit my friends!) I have been lucky enough to cuddle a baby wombat and I still firmly believe its the cutest baby animal in the world!! A lot of the wombats around Ronney’s Creek at Cradle are quite unbothered by people as they are used to them being around. This one actually brushed up by me as it barrelled on by!!

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