

How is everyone going??

I am stumbling my way though the new computer (Lets not talk about the photoshop fiasco!!! I MISS the days when you bought a program, you were given a CD to chuck in the computer to load. Needless to say downloading online failed miserably, no-one available at Adobe until Monday and thats several hours of my life I won’t get back!!!)
(OK… so I talked about it haha)

Pulled up the last of the patch – lots more left than I thought!
We’ll eat a lot but share a lot too. Will replant in October!


Good grief… thanks also Word Press for ‘updating’
So as well as stumbling through my new computer I am looking everywhere to find all the usual buttons to create a blog post which are all in much more inconvenient spots!!

First World Problems 😀

So… hot house doing ok… pretty sure there are little mousie mouses in there chewing things that they shouldn’t be!

The lettuce are giving us a bit of a feed and the experimental potatoes are fabulous


Some keen bunny has chewed off a few garlic shoots!!
Not Happy!!
Luckily only lost about 4/5
Did the Dodgy Bros. job and netted this patch


I can only conclude that a duck snuck into the chook coop and laid an egg!!

The middle egg is our ‘big’ egg and weighs 70g
The one on the right is a smaller 60g

The monster on the left weighed in at 116g!!! Poor Chook! Ouch!


And lastly from me before going to serve up dinner (Just got some veggies in the oven with some chicken) I did an experiment with soap…


It didn’t quite work out the way I planned in my head – will take a snap soon of the cut version. It was all very ‘rustic’ for want of a better word!!
Still… kept me amused one afternoon!!

Hope everyone is well… and sorry, still can’t answer messages. Will get on and pester someone at BlueHost soon about that!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

One thought on “Hi”

  1. wow your carrots look amazing. i tried carrots for the first time several months ago for our spring, and although the tops were green and happy, my carrots bits were very pitiful 🙁 any ideas of what might have been the trouble?

    i’m suspicious that it might have to do with the quality of the soil now that i’ve had a chance to see some yields and overall plant vigor from my tomatoes and yellow squash. maybe its only because i grew from seed.. ><

    [for context: i am renting and have started a strip of garden bed along the back side of the landlord's garage. they've been known to use herbicides to keep weeds down in the past in other areas of the property (none in the garden since we've moved in and made it), and its been a full year and a half of me trying to recruit insects with leaf mulching and regular mulching the plants that i'm growing.]

    also i'm happy to hear that you've gotten a computer upgrade! even though it is annoying at times to get everything set up and running as you'd like, i hope that the new computer navigation is going smoother for you ^.^

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