Garden Stuff

Monday it is!
Parents arrived home safely and have reported having dinner consisting of a lot of fresh food brought back from Tasmania πŸ™‚
It was lovely having them here and catching up. We enjoyed meeting up with friends and finished up by going to a bbq with a number of the cousins.
The weather was mostly nice while they were here which is a bit of a turn up for the books!

Cape gooseberry fruit forming! I am quite excited about this!

Self seeded silverbeet – the chooks are loving it.

Snow peas are finally about done. I am going to collect some seeds before pulling it all up and reconstructing the climbing frame to be a bit sturdier!

I found a pumpkin! Yay!

We’ve had some beautiful days! Such a treat after the (quite frankly) dismal summer.

So…. the other night I am sitting here with Pip and feel something on my arm! I brushed at it and saw LEGS disappearing over the arm of the chair!
You can imagine how smartly I moved away.
I caught the offending huntsman in a jar and not 10 minutes later – I found ANOTHER one on the floor, so I put that in a jar and sat them together overnight and released them in the morning. Although I think one died. πŸ™
Lucky they weren’t full grown. Shudder.

Back to the garden.
Lettuce going to seed – some ready

One of my dinner time forages while my parents were here

So excited – this is the poo and straw from some calf pens. The lady I barter with’s husband dropped it off.
Since then he had dropped off two more loads!

So I weeded the ex-garlic patch

Lay down some cardboard and topped it with a heap of the straw.

Job done.
It can now lay fallow for a good long while before I plant here again.

(The shower I had last night was bliss by the way)

I might get some corn… Still dubious about that and how good it will end up being. Its so late!

Went to the markets after my parents left and picked up this excellent laundry basket!
We have been using a tall round one which is ok, but hopeless if you want to fold up anything at the line (which my cousin Fiona is always remonstrating with me about – I am well known for my attitude towards folding laundry and putting it away)
Anyway, have forgotten consistently for 6 months to pick one up at the supermarket and glad I did – so much better than a cruddy plastic one!

I also bought 5 scruffy chooks haha
They are a little pecked but good layers – Isa Browns. (indeed there was an egg in the cat carrying box when I got them home!!) They’ve settled in really quickly – I separated them from the main flock for their first day, but when I came down later in the evening we couldn’t see two. But what we did see was our original flock all bunched together like statues staring in shock across the yard…. at the two missing birds on their side! Who were these interlopers?? Was so funny.

I am a bit worried about one of the new girls. She is quite listless and she didn’t get up to the roost tonight. Found her hunkered on the ground.
Hopefully she will come good.

I am still picking lots of zucchini – and found a few more passionfruit! yay!
(Had one the other day over some ice cream! So good!)

Anyway, just a bit of an update of the happenings in the garden!
Hope your week starts well!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Garden Stuff”

  1. I bet you are relieved those horrible & tragic fires are under control.
    Love seeing your daily work. You make me tired just reading about it.
    Weeding is not my favorite chore, but you always seem to have things under control.
    Hip Pip!

    1. Hi Bea – yes, its been a tragic season. We are now under catastrophic flooding in many areas! πŸ™ Can’t catch a break down here, but its a huge relief to know all the fires are under control.
      Speaking of under control… lots of things NOT under control here. I should really take a few ‘reality photos’ haha
      Still, with all that lovely cow-poo-straw I should be able to heavily mulch a lot of areas to keep things more weed free. Goals!! πŸ™‚ (Pip (who is snuggled on my lap) sends purrs)

  2. A few summers ago, I accidently allowed a radish plant go to seed. Discovered that the pods, when picked “young” made wonderful pickles. Just a thought for you.

    1. I’ve been thinking of trying radishes again – its been years since I grew them! I reckon I could get some going before the end of the season. Of course, I am SURE if I do some will end up going to seed! Thanks for the tip!

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