Garden Achievements

Hello! Friday it is!
Since we have apples upon apples I put another batch into the dehydrator. Small challenge to self to get one through every day or so.

I think I will also make an apple slump so I have something nice for dessert when Jeff gets home.

Today was pretty gloomy and cool, but thankfully the wind had dropped considerably, so no real excuses not to go outside and tick a few more things off my list.

I started by separating and laying out the cabbage seedlings to plant.
I put them in and went to water them but not a drop came out the watering can spout!!
Upon closer inspection –

Cracked me up.
Once I had fished out the happy frog I was able to finish my planting, mulch the area with seaweed and net it all.

They look cosy don’t they?
Anyway, the wind remained very mild, so I took the chance and got in to cover all the area that David and Ruth had weeded for me.

Lots of cardboard and newspaper underneath should slow the weeds considerably.

And it looks 100% better than a couple of weeks ago!

Four miscreant chooks squeezed themselves into the main veggie patch the other day. Happily since they are so well fed they didn’t do too much damage. Someone enjoyed this lettuce though!
They have also been pecking at a pumpkin that has grown on the wrong side of the fence.

But I love them anyway and they still get plenty of treats

A few late ears of corn still coming along.

Anyway – I have a few things on my list to achieve tomorrow so best be off to bed soon!
Enjoy the last bit of your week and have a super weekend!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Garden Achievements”

  1. Wow…that picture of the frog is definitely a National Geographic shot for sure. I love all your photos. The way you show the rest of the world a piece of Tasmania is so amazing. Hope Jeff enjoyed his trek. Thank you for blogging.🐣. Happy Easter

    1. Thanks Shirley! The frog really gave me a chuckle, poking his nose out of the spout! So happy I had my camera down in the garden with me.
      I enjoy reminding people about the beautiful island at the bottom of Australia!
      Can’t wait to pick up Jeff tomorrow – here’s hoping he gets in ok!!!!
      Hope you have a lovely Easter too! As usual, no plans here. (I’ll just check with Ruby and Margie haha)

  2. Lisa, Beautiful pictures. About your large crop of apples, Mavis has a recipe for Apple pie jam. It is delicious and makes a lovely gift. I highly recommend it.
    Please tell me about tomato relish and share your recipe. It might be what we call ketchup only chunky.
    Thanks! I check in often and I really enjoy your blog.
    Janet in Woodway, WA

    1. Hi Janet! Thank-you so much for mentioning Mavis’s Apple Pie Jam… Its always nice to try something new especially when you are swimming in a particular fruit or vegetable!
      We call ketchup, ‘tomato sauce’. Same thing. Relish is kind of used in the same way but has a distinctly different flavour and texture. Very much recommend making up a batch (or a half batch) to try. In all the time I have been making it and getting guests to try it or selling it only one lady has turned up her nose!!
      Hopefully that link will get you to the blog page where I wrote it up – just scroll to the bottom.
      Eventually I will take a photo of the actual relish and post it so people can see what I mean. Here in Australia its such a common thing to have I forget that others haven’t had the pleasure! 😀
      Thanks for taking the time to write and so glad you enjoy the stories!

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