Family Hike (Part Two)

We caught up with Jeff for a bit! (He accidentally went up a lookout hill!)
Then continued along the top

Came across some cool bejewelled webs

We caught up to Jeff again who was sitting in a sheltered spot waiting as he thought it might be time for lunch.

It was most enjoyable sitting down for a sandwich and a rest! Food always tastes extra amazing outside when hiking!

It was not quite as enjoyable getting back up and walking up another hill… our legs seemed to protest quite a lot
Rose and Fiona stopped to ‘admire the view’

(Yes in reality it was to stop and whinge about our legs hurting haha)

Well… lets be honest… the view was worth absorbing for a while

Onward… (Jeff the Speck again)

Smaller Jeff Speck…

Then there was a bit of trauma for Rosemary as we encountered a Leech Ambush

Can you see them? I think only two can be seen in above photo, but there were three big ones waving about on the rocks in the middle of the path. When we stopped to look (Rosemary freaking out because leeches are NOT her thing) they started stampeding towards us as well as their mates in the grass at the side of the path!!

I must say, our pace picked up quite a lot after that encounter (Pretty much Fiona and I trying to keep up with Rosemary haha)(Who wasn’t standing about waiting for a Leech Attack)

And yes, I found mud

And Jeff found a pademelon

Let me try to crop in…

Much cuter than leeches

It was nice going down the hills for a change

A bit of wattle was out… way early I reckon

And down we went to the beach!

I never really tire of this spot

And because I can, I am just going to bombard you with rock photos… (and maybe some sand and seaweed)

(I think I love the yellow and orange lichen rocks the best)

And now… more rocks!

Oh… and looking up for a final Jeff Speck photo!!

He might be hard to see… (Almost dead centre of image)

See the cutting at the edge of water? Apparently barges came in to collect iron ore back in the day…

That would explain the colour of some of the rocks!

Finally tore ourselves away from the rocks and got to the end of the beach for the final ‘up’


Although there was the sound of a bit of huffing and puffing…

Enjoying the last views of Anniversary Bay

It was a spectacular day out with family! Everyone had a great time no matter their route or pace!
Great way to spend the day!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “Family Hike (Part Two)”

  1. Love the pix and the rocks! The leeches had me laughing! 🤣😂🤣

    Do you have ticks? I see Jeff in all that vegetation and can only think I’d be covered with ticks. This year has been particularly bad with ticks in Appalachia. We had 11 real days of winter, but it wasn’t enough to kill them.

    1. Poor Rosemary discovered later blood all over her ankle… NOT PLEASED that she had actually gotten a leech. Thankfully we were spared the trauma of having to remove it!
      Yes, we get ticks but I’ve never had one … not sure if they are really bad here. Suspect not since we’ve been out in the bush a lot with no issue. Dogs you have to keep an eye on though.

      1. Poor Rosemary, indeed… I would not have been happy about that either! I’ve never had a leech attached, but my Mom said as kids, they’d swim and play in a creek and have some attach.

        We keep a flea & tick treatment on our dog, but we still find dead ticket (that have bit him and been poisoned) and some live ones. I can’t stand them. Once I see one, dead or alive, I feel like something is crawling on me the rest of the night.

        1. lol.. it was a bit funny and dramatic with the leech!
          Oh I totally understand the whole… see one and imagine you have a squadron of them all over !!! Nasty little blighters!
          We swam in rivers as kids… no leeches in the running water, but when we’d swim in the dams, we’d run in quick and not linger in the mud!!

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