Cheap Tomatoes Planted.

I make an effort to concentrate and remember eating my strawberries now.
Well! Today I planted two things! Yay me.

To be fair to myself… I did start with the above mess.

I dug in some old mushroom compost that I found in a bag and some of my newer home made compost. (I really really really need to go get another trailer load of fresh stuff)

I got my bargain bin tomatoes and snicked off the lower leaves

I planted them reasonably deep so they have a chance to grow more roots and anchor themselves in well.

I also grabbed some of the rebar and shadecloth to make a sheltered area while they are finding their feet.

In the hothouse I had a ‘proud mummy moment’ when I saw that the capsicum had developed new leaves since yesterday!

The cucumber are also starting to make a small move in the leaf direction!

The passionfruit just keeps growing!

Still new flowers appearing!

Discovered more tomato seedlings in my flower bed (of course)

And in the carrot patch…

The two Black Russian tomato plants in the hothouse are going fantastically.

Snow peas and lettuce are zooming along.

Baby Apples!

The zucchinis are hardly fitting under their bottle shelters now. Almost time to let them just be free! Plus its warming up again so maybe we are good.

I have heard a rumour that it is supposed to be a nice day tomorrow. Jeff has casually tossed the idea around that he might be mowing the lawn. I am going to be right behind him gathering the clippings for mulch as I still have no straw or seaweed available and I am getting desperate!
I will finish my night by writing a list of things in the garden I hope to get done tomorrow.
We shall see!! 🙂
Have a great day!

My paper daisy plants have their first tiny flower!!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Cheap Tomatoes Planted.”

  1. Dear Lisa all your garden is looking
    So lush and green. Looks like your Spring has sprung. Know you will reap rewards at harvest time. Keep up all your work and rest when you can. Love from Georgia

    1. Thankyou so much Linda!! I have to sneak a look at the garden from a few months back to remind myself that we ARE actually getting somewhere! 🙂
      Hows the weather treating you up your way? Can you believe we are about halfway done with November?? Wow! 😀

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