Boxing Day

I read about a lot of people madly dashing off to join in Boxing Day Sales. I, on the other hand, stayed firmly at home and had the laziest day! Bliss.
I slept until the clock said pm, not am… ambled my way through coffee and toast before realising with a shriek that all the chooks were in the backyard on the house side of the fence!! Screecher was happily digging up my basil!!!!!
Cue undignified dash through the yard in my nightie, flapping my arms about and yelling at chickens!
Finally got them all on the right side of the fence and locked away.
Thinking there is a good reason I should get dressed straight away when waking up.
I had a lovely day eating raspberries, picking more strawberries and a swag of snow peas along with a bit of therapeutic hand watering.
I hope your day has been awesome


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

9 thoughts on “Boxing Day”

  1. Oh Lisa, i had a good laugh at the thought of you running through your garden in your nighty waving your arms at your chickens. I would have loved to have seen that! Hope you have some basil left.

    1. lol – yeah, it was pretty special!! 😀
      A couple of the basil had been kicked over but not uprooted, so I have righted them and will hope for the best!

  2. Near Christmas at my house is very busy. I barely clean all year so I have to fly around like a mad woman a few days before to make up for it since all my family and friends come over. Be thankful for your low key holiday as I am jealous of you.

    1. 😀 Its been rather peaceful!! But we did have the big family gathering for Ruby’s 100th Birthday, so its like I got all the fun family time in in September.
      I could possibly do without the sore throat which only seems marginally better today – so I am still in self imposed quarantine.
      As much as I am not a fan of housework it is rather lovely when its all done! I hope you had a really lovely Christmas!!

  3. That sounds like me at the moment!We have a month long ban, meaning that we have had to keep chickens indoors due to risk of the new bird 2 keep trying to escape from their shed and I have to run after them and catch them!!

    1. Oh no – what a pain! I bet your girls are NOT impressed at the confinement at all! Hope the ban passes soon! (and hope you don’t have to run about in your nightie! lol)

      1. They are so not impressed! One,the bossy one keeps throwing herself at the door and did escape the other day! I was in my pajamas! Ban was initially for a month,but should imagine that will be extended as there have been some dead birds found over here!

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