Around the Garden

The cherry blossom is about done.

Both it and the snowball bush makes things look a bit snowy

Little pest… completely ignored my requests to look at the camera

Snow ball bush

And petals…

When the weather hasn’t been acting hideous, we’ve been getting into some of the garden tasks…

I have been ignoring this like Pip ignores the camera

Happy now. Its even giving us strawberries already!

Time to remove the self seeded silverbeet and cape gooseberries that all went wild!

I’ve put a bunch of lettuce in one of the plots…

I’ve got more than the above. Just got out of whack sorting my photos!
Hang on… found it…

Hopefully they’ll perk up… the original ones are sitting up fairly well…

Self seeded sweet peas trying to sprawl everywhere so I set up a trellis for them

Jeff got in and trimmed the cognata tree back and pulled out the pelargoniums

Sob… but they were getting pretty straggly
Yet to decide what to put in

He also did a bit of roof sweeping!

Sadly we lost the other cognata. She split at the base of her trunk.
It really was way too big for this spot anyway… the 2 metres that it was supposed to grow to was a bit understated. I can see out the kitchen window again now.
I’ll plant something in its place that’s a little more suitable soon

I really feel like we have been tree killers in recent times!!

Sweet strawberries starting to come along.

A little more manageable

Did I show you my dodgy netting job?
Saved the remaining tomato plants from the birds that seem to go mad pulling everything out early in spring
They are growing slowly as the weather overall hasn’t been fabulous

Because it was going to be impossible to plant the back veranda gardens with the chooks still running amok, we grabbed some wire and popped up another temporary fence to keep the little darlings back down their side of the yard

Ummm… we might have put the gate on sideways… but its only temp and also it hooks shut over the bricks which makes it easier than faffing about with wire.

In other garden news…

The old carrot patch was pulled up

The snow peas got weeded again and they are finally making some progress

They seem awfully slow this year…

And the crazy rocket patch needed a do over

I planted half with rocket (which came up already) and the other half with basil seedlings.

Well… thats a little of whats happening out there to keep you up to date!

I had an impromptu market last weekend at a local school… they had some late cancellations and I heard about it and managed to get a stall. It was very worthwhile – sold heaps so I was happy about that!

I got a delivery of 25kgs of caustic soda (lye) today and I am all excited to get into some new soap ideas!

Hope you are all doing fabulously!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

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