Afternoon Hike

After spending some quality time in the garden today tussling with weeds, Jeff and I decided that we would take ourselves on a bit of a walk up and over to Anniversary Bay

The weather wasn’t bad. Not what I would class as summery, but at least it was reasonably warm and didn’t rain on us!

I found my seaweed grass!! Sigh. Not the most accessible spot!

The flies were dead annoying today! Small and sticky. Β I had my trusty bit of bracken to wave about though πŸ™‚

Wallaby prints

We followed a few sets of wallaby prints up the beach today!

I like low tide with the big expanses of white sand
Tea tree stained waters running down the beach make cool patterns
Black pond at the top of the beach!

We went up the bush track and through the scrub to get back to the car

Lots of tiny flowers dotted about

We were lucky enough to spot an echinda on the path today!

It immediately tried to dig a hole and pretend it wasn’t there

I lay patiently in front of him/her until I got to see its little snout and eyes for a photo!

These guys are mega-cute!

I was also lucky enough (although most of you won’t agree) to see the tail end of quite a large tiger snake! The tail end was really thick, so I can only imagine how big the rest of it was!! I just saw the beautiful yellow markings on the black body slithering into the scrub away from us. Β Very disappointed not to see the whole animal or get a photo for you! I wanted to impress you with our deadly creature! πŸ˜€ (I think they are ranked about 6th most poisonous snake in the world…)
Oh well… next time!

Off to bed for me… my legs need a rest!


Beautiful colours and textures in the sand and rocks

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

10 thoughts on “Afternoon Hike”

  1. I’m sorry your summer is so cold. I hope it returns to normal very soon and that your garden produces gang busters.

    1. Thanks Linda!! Today is warm – but the clouds are hanging about making threats!! πŸ™‚ But at least the lettuce is looking great – just took a box full to the markets and lots of people ooohed and ahhhed about them! lol

  2. Thanks for the lovely pictures. They always perk me up to see the beauty of your area!! Keep em coming, please!

    1. I think I am the same way about snakes and spiders!! I am happy to pick a snake up (the non-deadly ones) but not a spider (Small ones are ok) they are fascinating tho.
      The Black Pond! lol – I just found it and named it because I wasn’t sure what else to call it!! But really, it was Black!!! I think it was a concentrated pond of water runoff that is heavily stained by the tea tree – which may also explain the yellowing at the edges. I thought it was really amazing. πŸ™‚

  3. Do the tea trees stain the land and water around them normally or are the ones doing the staining broken or damaged? Does the run off smell like tea tree oil? Are the echinda’s spines barbed and do they come out like a porcupines, or are they more smooth and permanent like a hedgehog’s. And I’m glad you saw the tail end and not the face end of your large tiger snake πŸ˜‰

    1. Hi Amy, from what I could find, the stained water is from the tannin produced in the leaves – possibly from rain runoff and dropped leaves. And no, sadly the water doesn’t smell like the nice oil. Actually it doesn’t smell at all – and fine to drink. You have to specifically distill it to get the oil and the scent.
      Echidna’s spines stay put πŸ™‚ And a baby echidna is called a ‘puggle’ !! Isn’t that cute???

      1. That is super cute about the puggle’s name and I am glad to hear that the tea tree runoff doesn’t smell, I was imagining a really strong scented beach, ha ha!

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