A Few Aches and Pains

Hi! I think he main reason I am not in bed right now, is because it will entail standing up!! 😀
I started the day early with a blood test, then delivered some eggs to Shirley.
Came back for brekkie then got into the garden and finally got my other poor little strawberries out of their trays and into the patch

I still have so many trays of runners and plants! Sadly no-one has bought anything off the stall except eggs!! I suspect I am going to have to make the effort to have a REAL market stall.

While I ran back and forth putting stuff on the stall and watering my strawberries, Jeff started on pulling up the remainder of the old fence.

This was quite time consuming. Since it was done up like ‘ugly Fort Knox’ with makeshift wire up everywhere in the hope (vain) to stop chickens getting over or under it, it took ages to unwire, move barriers then get the original chicken wire out, gates off and (most challenging) getting the steel droppers out! Jeff dug down a long way for a few of them that just didn’t want to come free!

Much better – nice and open and getting more of a feel for what the whole thing might eventually look like!
Jeff dug up all the bricks. (We moved a lot of bricks today!!)

I continued working on my bean patch

Around 3pm we finally sat down for lunch!
I have totally decided that I am keeping this chunk of wood to put in my veggie patch. Its got two seats and a table!!
So nice sitting in the sun with a cuppa and a few toasted sangers!

As I have mentioned, we are moving the compost.
It wasn’t so easy to get apart as I supposed. I sat IN the compost a lot today. I was warm, but I probably didn’t smell so sweet…

Pulling it apart meant I could easily get down to the good layers, scoop it up and add it to my bean patch garden

I dug out a trench and lined it with cardboard and newspaper.
Then added the compost.

Hopefully I will get a chance to plant some beans and stretch some chicken wire between the posts soon.

Meanwhile, all the sides of the compost were detached. Sadly we were not able to just move it. We’ll discard the old pallets and use new pallets to put the tin back onto and start again. (Adds another job to list)

Seeds are popping up! Corn!!
Snow peas (Second patch)

In among the carrots and beetroot there are LOTS of self seeded broccoli and tomatoes!



I am so happy to see some iris out! They are a rather gorgeous flower.

Of course, no spring show is complete without some more cherry blossom photos! The tree really is at about its best right now! So beautiful to look upon every day!

So… its getting late by the time we are about done, and Jeff suggests takeaway for dinner, but wants a walk first. So I call the shop… they close the grill at 7.30pm, so I order the food for then and then we had to hustle!!
The 6km ‘walk’ was done at a mostly RUN!! This was to make it back in time to collect our dinner. We did it under an hour, but really… I am built stocky. I am good for hiking, not running. Plus I had to run more than anyone because my legs are shorter than Jeff and Kirrily’s so my jog is basically their walk!!!
I can’t explain about all the bits that are telling me what an idiot I am right now. Honestly… I was a bit tired and sore BEFORE the ‘walk’
Oh well… thats a bit more of the winter chocolate worn away!!

Hope your day was fantastic and a little slower paced!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “A Few Aches and Pains”

  1. You sure have got it looking good. The fence is really swell hope it keeps the peeps at bay. The iris and cherry blossoms are SPECTACULAR!!
    Love your Two-seater combination
    Table. It is a keeper. Hope all the aches n pains go after good nights rest. Love from Georgia. Oh we had to turn on our heat 4:30am 36 degrees
    Fall finally arrived!!!

    1. oooo – Georgia is getting chilly!!!
      I agree the table has to be incorporated into the garden! Love it! As I am loving all the spring flowers right now. Such a pretty time of year!
      I think my leg muscles have recovered!! I am sure my bottom got thinner that day lol
      Have a great day!!

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