A Cuppa With Ruby

Before I even got in the front door at Ruby’s today I was dashing down into her paddock, camera in hand to snap a photo or two of her mad hydrangeas!! Its amazing!

We hadn’t really introduced Megumi to Ruby and Margie properly, apart from the fly by to raid the lemon tree last week!
It was nice to put the kettle on and sit and chat and catch up in a civilised and leisurely manner!

We even got a bit posh and brought out the tea trolley! Might have fallen down on the presentation of the milk though… 😀

Megumi was doing a fine job practicing her English and conversing with everyone.

She gave Ruby a beautiful Japanese scarf!
Margie was given a gorgeous Furoshiki cloth, but I failed to get a photo… will put that on my to-do list!

I also delivered a present to Ruby from Mavis over at 100 Dollars a Month!

(Sorry for the dodgy photo!!!) Mavis sent Ruby one of her beautiful ornaments – the gorgeous red and bold stripes are so much fun and Ruby was so thrilled! Fancy being sent something hand made all the way from the USA!

Ruby was quite tired today. She had ‘slightly’ over done it in the garden this morning – hurrying because of the rain. Then she had a few visitors!
Mind you, when I suggested I take Megumi around the garden there was no way Ruby was going to be left out of that picnic!!

Here I am hopping along trying to get my shoes on, while Ruby has gotten Megumi by the hand and got her half way up the garden!!! 

Its looking quite fabulous and very productive! Margie has spent a lot of time in it this season and its a credit to them!

Ruby had a lovely time pointing out this and that to Megumi (walking sticks are so handy for multiple reasons!!)

They have got a marvellous potato patch (or five) happening.

The zucchinis I put in for them are slow… but look healthy enough. Probably just waiting for a nice long stretch of summer days to really kick off.

Isn’t she just the Queen of the Hothouse? Proud as punch about her ripe tomatoes!! As she should be because its pretty hard to get them that far along before Christmas in Tassie!  I keep telling her I can’t talk to her about the tomatoes. (I am way too jealous)

Oh – and speaking of garden successes… here’s me thinking I am such a smarty-pants gardener with my garlic and Ruby is like “Oh here’s mine”

I simply can’t talk to her about that either!! Haha!!

I tell a lie. I did speak to her about them.
They grow crazy tall – then flower like this.
Its actually a very old variety because its what her mother used to grow!! She just kept up planting them or leaving them to self seed at will!!

I was lucky enough to be given some ‘pups’ as Margie calls them so I will put them in the ground and give them a go!!

Anyway, we had such a lovely afternoon. Wonderful to take time finally to catch up properly!

Have a great day!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

8 thoughts on “A Cuppa With Ruby”

  1. Hi. Love the photos and the whole thing. Ruby’s garden is a delight. That Garlic with ‘pups’ looks like what I know as Elephant Garlic because of its very large cloves. It’s more closely related to Leeks than true Garlic, milder flavour and it doesn’t go as soft when cooked. Supposedly it originated in the area of Yugoslavia. I grow some every year [Okanagan Valley, BC, Canada] and I love using it in many recipes. It’s easy to grow here but quite expensive to buy as the price is probably 10 times the price of ordinary Garlic in the stores.

    1. Hello! Thanks for the message – glad you enjoyed the post and it was really interesting to read about the garlic. One of my cousins called it Russian garlic, but I haven’t really looked into it more. I can’t believe that Elephant garlic is so much more expensive than normal garlic! I wonder why… it doesn’t seem so hard to grow compared the the other type. I am sure it would be popular if its milder. Some people are thingy about smelling too garlicky lol
      Have a wonderful weekend!!

  2. I have never seen hydrangeas that tall! It must be something in the water up North 😉 Another lovely post full of glorious garden images and wonderful camaraderie. Thank you for sharing your visit with us all 🙂

    1. lol – they are pretty insane aren’t they? That big one has just been let go to do it own thing for many years now! I was glad to finally get a Ruby post up. I’ve been feeling a bit guilty about neglecting them this year!

  3. Oh my those hydrangeas are so Hugh and beautiful. Sure could dry a ton of them.MS RUBY looks grand. Her hair is so pretty. So is her garlic. Glad you’ll had the trolley!! Know you had a swell time and so did all. Love from Georgia

    1. Hi Linda! Those hydrangeas sure are something! I need to find a spot where I can let one grow out of control too! Love them! We really enjoyed our afternoon tea and spending some quality time with Ruby and Margie! Too often this year I have been flying in and out!!
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

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