A Bit Of Permaculture

I don’t have many ‘working pics’ but I’ve been popping over to my friends place to do work with her on her property since late last year.

Jude and Mark have a lovely piece of property that has been set up and worked with Permaculture principles.
There are multiple gardens, chooks, ducks, quail (and other birds) some sheep and an orchard.

Late last year Jude managed to bust her leg… which was right at the time when her husband was going in for hip replacement!!
So now with everyone mostly healed up… there is a fair bit of work to catch up on.

Jude works amazingly hard in the garden – propagates untold amounts of plants, grows heaps of seedlings and sells these as well as veggies at the local market.

I didn’t get the full before shot of this bit of work, but we pulled out a lot of weeds, grass and blackberries – later the area gets mulched to slow back on that regrowth (I’ve done some full days wrestling blackberries that have taken over. Dreadful things but oh so satisfying when you manage to clear an area!)

Hmmmm… maybe I’ll have to get a snap tomorrow of the finished product.

I have learned a lot over my days.
Jude is also making it her mission to get me to be friends with Kale.
I still regard kale as the dark side of gardening, so she is not getting far!

Sometimes the work isn’t gardening but sorting areas that have just gotten a bit out of control. The things we save ‘for later use’ that pile up.
I am weird but I like this kind of work

Satisfying to make sense of an area and re locate the items to areas where they are stored for easier access.

Moving corrugated iron is always fun. At least being winter we didn’t come across snakes. But we displaced a lot of lizards. Several huntsmen (big leggy spiders)and three white tails (black spiders that give a nasty bite) had to be moved on from the pile.
Oh and we found one toad.

We both admitted to being a bit sore that evening after all the tin was moved

Work is somewhat slowed up often because of their gorgeous blue heeler pup, Rusty. (Photo from Jude)

He is an absolute barrel of enthusiasm, makes sure you know you are super loved and is very distracting!
He has his angel days and his demon days. At times he has taken to sitting on one of the ducks!!
I plan to go up there to garden tomorrow so I look forward to lots of Rusty love and licks!

Dexter has been around a while longer and sounds a bit like a constant thunderstorm when Rusty is about. Lots of hissing and swacks to let Rusty know he is being too enthusiastic! haha…

Anyway, better trot off for some sleep. Not sure what we will be working on tomorrow- its always something different!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

4 thoughts on “A Bit Of Permaculture”

  1. Beautiful pictures as always Lisa! What is the name of the flowers in the very first picture of this post? They’re so pretty!

  2. I’ve never seen a flower like the first picture. It’s lovely! It’s good of you to help your friends. I’m sure they appreciate it and you get puppy love! ❤️

    1. They are pretty spectacular aren’t they? They are out everywhere at the moment
      Red Hot Poker (Kniphofia uvaria)

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