Visiting Ruby’s Garden

Hello! Another pretty nice day today – got myself down to Ruby’s and found her plum tuckered out!! Dunno where her spec’s were, but she was on her milk crate weeding as I walked in!

Look at her garden!!! The plot at the back left that she wanted me to fill, she weeded/dug and planted potatoes!! haha – I was too tardy getting back wasn’t I?
The bottom left plot she planted the early potatoes in I think (I’ll take credit for the digging of that one)
The plot in the middle has rows of carrots, beetroot and parsnip. I had that one covered in seaweed, so the weeds weren’t too bad in that one for her.
Ruby also finished weeding the top right plot where the peas are and has filled it with beans, broccoli – and I can’t remember what else!
She is a gardening demon!!!

I had brought down some excess seedlings that she needed. So we planted five cucumbers into her hothouse.
Also put 4 of the cos lettuce seedlings in here as well.
Her tomato seedlings and other lettuce are looking fabulous and she is pretty thrilled with its progress. That mushroom compost boost has done its job pretty well so far!


This side of the pea plot is looking good – the other side got a re-planting due to a snail attack!

My aim today was to make a good start on tidying up this plot and slow the spread of the grass seeds.

I found a frog and a bottle in the process…

I still have a lot more to do, but its not a bad start

Jeff came to collect me & we had a cuppa and a slice of cake before we left.
We had a chat about local show day (fairs) as this weekend was Burnie Show Weekend. There is a public holiday on Friday for it too for this area.
I haven’t been to it, but it has the usual side shows, along with agricultural displays, horses, cattle, craft, cooking etc.
I love country shows – I normally go to the Wynyard one in Autumn.
The Royal Shows in the capital cities are wickedly expensive to get into. I was just reading an article about the Perth Show lamenting lack of numbers. The almost 100% response was “We can’t afford it”
At $30 entry for adults, $15 for kids and up to $20 per ride before any food or showbag costs…
Ruby said the rides in her day were one & sixpence! Each child in her family was allowed one go at a sideshow stand and one showbag! I am pretty sure the showbags weren’t too pricey back then. I did see the Perth showbags ranged from $4 to $125!! I have to wonder who has the disposable income to buy the $125 one??!! Wow.
Ruby’s dad went off to see all the agricultural displays and once the kids had their fill of the sideshow excitement they also enjoyed going looking at the cows and other animals on display.
At some point Ruby’s mother “and her cronies” (haha) would find a spot to sit for a well earned cuppa and a natter. The kids would get some cordial and a bit of a rest all around.
Personally I like going to the country shows specifically to get a steak sandwich for lunch! šŸ˜€ They do especially good ones in the small country towns!
I have enjoyed putting in entries in the past – competing in photography, craft (as a kid) and a few vegetables (first prize for my eggplant I’ll have you know! šŸ˜€ )
Country shows have great displays of animals, horse riding, wood chopping and pretty much an endless variety of entertainment.
I don’t know about you – but a day at the show should be a fun outing. One to relax and enjoy.
Reading up on the ‘hints’ on how to do the Royal Show on a budget really took the joy out of it. So say 2 adults and 2 kids entry plus parking… goodbye $105 before you start having any fun.
Bring your own food – because a day out should mean a rest from organising meals – not lugging your own about all day.
‘Buy the cheap showbag and add your own toys’ Um – am I missing something? So a parent needs to pre buy some suitable toys to also lug about to sneak into the showbag? I suppose it would work… but again… its losing the ‘joy’
Showbags are never going to be good value, but as a kid there was nothing more exciting than getting one!
There was plenty of advice on working out how to do lots of free stuff, but it was like studying up for an exam!
No wonder the numbers are dwindling. I would have promptly dropped it all into the too hard basket and found something else to do!
Anyway – my thoughts are rambling away and I should be in bed!!
Love to hear about the local shows/fairs in your town!!


Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

2 thoughts on “Visiting Ruby’s Garden”

  1. Hi Lisa – Love those pictures of Ruby – envy you guys getting started gardening – I am wrapping up everything here in North Carolina, USA as fall is now here. I had a good laugh reading about the fair. I did not understand half of what you were saying, but I did understand it is way expensive. We have a county fair here in September. Admission is around $10.00 unless you have a child in school. On school nights, admission for the child is free, parents can get in for the price of a couple cans of food. There are rides which you can ride as many times as you want for the price of an arm band, which is usually around $15-20.00 per child. They ride until they are sick. Games are cheap but so are the prizes. The best part of the fair is seeing the show animals, crafts that won ribbons, and who had the biggest and best from their garden and canning. We don’t go to the fair much anymore though. We are getting some rain this morning – the first we have had in almost a month. The yards are brown and what is left of the gardens are dying, so this rain is so welcome. The only things blooming around here are my re-blooming iris, some marigolds, petunias, and leggy summer flowers. We are waiting on the first frost to cut everything back. Sorry for being so wordy, stuck inside today.

    1. Hi Beverly!! šŸ™‚ Made me chuckle a bit about not understanding half of it… I’ll have to re read what I wrote lol!
      Was great reading about your fair. The $10 entry is about equal to our smaller country shows. I like the one price – as many rides as possible idea! I re read later rides at the Perth show could be up to $20 each!!
      I agree about the ribbons part of the show! So exciting to go in and see if you won something or what/who won and comparing the work!
      I enjoyed hearing about what is happening in your garden too. Glad to hear you are getting some rain! Always a relief after so long of nothing.
      We are back in rain and gloom today. Never mind. Have a few indoor tasks to get through. Have a lovely day!

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