The Overland Track – Day Three

Pademelons having breakfast by the hut, unfazed by the hikers

Hello – welcome to day three of our Overland Track hike!
Today started very soggily with steady rain and packing up wet tents.
The fellow, Greg, in the tent on the platform beside us had a bit of bad luck during the night. A local possum actually ripped its way into his tent, dragged out his pack and helped itself to a day and a half’s worth of food!!
I desperately tried to offload some of ours to him, (thinking to lighten the pack) but he said no matter – his wife reckoned he was getting a pot so the extra rations were meant to do him good!

Today we were leaving the beautiful camping area at Windermere and heading out on the 16.8km stroll over to Pelion.
The rain made everything look so beautiful

Today was Jeff’s most challenging day. He had so far gained little sleep and started off the day – to be totally frank – really crabby!!
Rachel got her gear packed a lot quicker and set out ahead so she could take plenty of shoulder breaks.
‘We’ (ie Jeff) fussed about a lot longer getting everything ready to go.

The clouds just sat on the hills as we walked on by

We crossed numerous streams and creeks today. We were glad of the advice to only carry a litre container. Anything more would have been a waste of energy.

After being out on open heathland, we suddenly found ourselves in more dense forests. The paths became tricky underfoot

Yes – that’s a path

Especially in the wet – this kind of path slows you down a bit. Not only do you have to maintain your footing, but getting a little off balance with the heavy pack on your back can make you over correct somewhat. Best to go steady.

After a short forest stint it was a relief to see the more stable boardwalks again

There was a short offshoot track to a lookout – so I thought I would dash across to get you a photo

Sound advice. Don’t fall off the cliff.

Sadly the fog arrived exactly when I did. Hope you like the non-view I got for you –

I tried.

Time to stop playing on cliff edges in the fog and move on. Almost straight into forests again. The pathway got more and more dramatic underfoot!

It was hard work, but so beautiful

ahhhh – bliss! A bit of boardwalk!

Time for a water bottle top-up!

The sun is finally starting to try to make a breakthrough

Despite the mud puddles, you are not meant to walk around them to avoid them. The more people walk around the more the path widens and the greater impact humans will have on this beautiful area. Sometimes it was hard to find the best way through.

I can still get a smile!

One of the numerous streams crossed today!
So pleased to see a bit of blue sky appearing above us

Snatching a bit of view as we walk out into a bit of a clearing
Then back to our muddy bush paths

The Forth River

Sometimes it was hard to determine exactly where the path was.

Seems we finally caught up to Rachel!

I think this area is the myrtle-beech rainforest.

Todays walk was estimated between 5-7 hours. We certainly took at least 7 I think! The hardest part is towards the end of the day – there aren’t any signs to tell you where you are or how far you have to go. It’s a little disconcerting not knowing if you have 20 minutes left or 2 hours!

Still – there is enough beautiful scenery to distract you.

Yep – that is also a path!!

Finally (finally!!!) we came to Pelion Hut! I can’t tell you how amazing it was to dump down the packs and get our shoes off!

Jeff and I decided to sleep in the hut that night, but we put the tent up to give it some drying time since it got packed up wet that morning

Pelion Hut was situated in the most glorious spot! The veranda was epic

The view stunning

Mt Oakleigh

Plenty of furry visitors

For a change we took advantage of proper seats and cooked and ate inside.

It wasn’t bad sleeping in the hut for a change.

Time to try to get a good sleep ready for another day on the track in the morning!


Mt Oakleigh – several of the hikers went up this mountain as a side trip!! By the time I had finished that day’s walk I considered a walk to the toilet as almost too far, so I admired from a distance!

Author: Lisa

A happy traveller through life! Right now living in NW Tasmania with a gorgeous Nurse-Husband, a fool of a Siamese Cat and several chickens. We love our fairly simple lifestyle of growing a lot of what we eat and enjoying the stunning surrounds of our little patch.

12 thoughts on “The Overland Track – Day Three”

  1. I love seeing your forest trek pictures. Your Tasmanian forests are so very different from my redwood forests in northern California. Both are beautiful. I can relate to those muddy paths and steps. I was on one in Mt. Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia for a few hours in January. The jungle was awesome but the path was a disaster. Muddy stairs; tree roots; uneven rocks. I felt fortunate that I didn’t slip and fall.

    1. I would LOVE to see the redwood forests! One day!!
      Your Malaysia trip sounded like an adventure! The challenging parts make you remember it more vividly!!

  2. First time commitmenter, long time reader/husband. First of all day 3 was not just a grmpy day. I think l used the words @×#&%#!!!!! & $€;×%$€!!! Your constant positive nature and humour got me through it. This trip took me out of my comfort zone and pushed me in a way l’ve never been pushed before. I am proud that we did it together. I think upon completion of the trek, we became different people. It builds self confidence, and teaches one that at times we need and is ok to ask for help. Thank you for all the work you did in arranging this trip. And documenting it. Looking forward to doing the Frenchman’s Cap later this year. P.S. it is a fine line between a smile and a grimace (see photo 33 (l think)).

  3. Really loving your daily accounts of your walk.
    Any plans to do the Larapinta Trail? Completely different, but just as beautiful. We did the eastern half a few years ago and had to carry (and boil!) all our water. It hadn’t rained in Alice for over 130 days then, and it was all as dry as a bone. But still a great walk.

    1. I hope we will do a lot more walks in the future – I just looked up Larapinta quickly – that would be amazing! Jeff especially is super keen now he has had a taste of this!

    1. I know! I remember being cross at the never ending upwards directions a few times, but it was all so worth it! And how lovely to finish a day and relax with a bite to eat and chatting to various people!

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